Weekly Roundup

Weekly Review 09/03/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 11, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 9th March 2024, 500 yards, Series 3 Match 8. Saturday saw club members enjoy the use of the club awnings again due to high temperatures for Series 3 Match 8 from 500 yards. The easterly breeze brought out the tree line flag but the breeze was never consistent or convincing and often paused for a minute or two before deciding where to go next giving some shooters a break or others the run around resulting in about one third of the field shooting to and above handicap with one shooter gaining a double possible and five others single stage possible scores on the day. Steve Williams top scored the Target Rifle shooters with three centre bulls over Graeme Bright with Gordon Shepherd finishing the day strongly in next spot ahead of John Coghill who is trying the club rifle out for a few weeks. Sporter Class shooter James Clarke again scored a great double possible with Dennis Lavelle shooting steadily to finish a few points away next.

Weekly Review 02/03/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 05, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 2nd March 2024, 300 yards, Series 3 Match 7. Saturday’s competition from 300yds for Series 3 Match 7 was held in overcast weather with the rain that threated early in the afternoon not causing much problem thanks to the thoughtful use of our club awnings. Some shooters were able to take advantage of the restrained temperatures and periods of very light winds while several visitors enjoyed the opportunity to try out long range shooting. Steve Williams scored a nice double possible during the afternoon ahead of John Coghill shooting in Target Rifle class. Sporter class shooter Dennis Lavelle scored well finishing ahead of Jon Lloyd who has been trying out long range shooting.

Weekly Review 03/02/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 06, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 3rd February 2024, 700 yards, Series 3 Match 4. The Series 3 Match 3 competition from 600 yards held on Saturday 27th January saw shooter numbers down with five club members attending the Kings Series State Championship at Anzac Range Malabar from 26-28th January; with two club members competing in Target Rifle Class, two in FTR Class and one in Sporter Class. The extreme heat conditions followed by the very strong winds that came through during the first day of competition resulted in several issues including poor ammunition quality and broken target frames that needed repair before competition continued affecting some shooters and the days shooting program.

Weekly Review 20/01/2024

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 22, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 20th January 2024, 500 yards, Series 3 Match 2. Saturday’s competition was held at 500 yards for the second round of Series 3 in hot weather with a light southerly breeze that varied from the south east to the south west throughout the afternoon with shooters needing to watch the conditions carefully or lose points to the changes. Steve Williams was obviously watching closely as he topped the Target Rifle shooters after gaining a great double possible result for the day with Graeme Bright next best followed by Gordon Shepherd who improved substantially from his previous result after returning from a break. Charlie Bennett also made a return to shooting after a break and will no doubt improve with more practice, he was followed by John Coghill tailing the field.

2023 Presentation Dinner

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 16, 2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 12th January 2024. 2023 BRC Presentation Dinner. Club members attended the annual Presentation Dinner on Friday evening at Bathurst RSL Club where they enjoyed a two course meal followed by the presentation of over thirty trophy’s and medals won by members during the 2022-2023 shooting season. The year’s program had seen several breaks due to events and works carried out on the mount late last year resulting in a postponed presentation dinner. It was pleasing to see Dave Butler receive several shooting awards including the clubman of the year trophy. Dave is one of our newer members who has been a great asset since joining and along with Phil Mahon and the help of many other members has put an enormous effort into improvements at the club recently, they were also a driving force to facilitate the return of the successful rifle club OPM last October.