Weekly Review 02/09/2017

Weekly Review 02/09/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 2nd September 2017. Championship & QVM. 600yards.

        Saturday was the last of this years local competitions and shooters used the 600 yard Championship range for a tune up for upcoming events. The full-bore groups are heading to the NSWRA State Championships and Queens Prize Competition this month and the Black Powder group had their last long range hit out before the Muzzle Loading Association International Committee's World Long Range Championship at the Monarto Shooting Complex in Adelaide starting on the 8th October.

       The day was perfect for practice and Geoff Willis entertained everyone with a laser chronograph he brought back from the World F class Championships in Canada. Whilst it caught competitors eye a few were disappointed that they didn't pay more attention to their shooting as the scores count in the 2017-18 Championship year.

       None the less most scores were quite good and five competitors shot up to and above their handicaps. Graeme Bright took out the A grade Cock of the Walk on count back from Steve Williams both shooters scoring 98.10 but Brights' 48-50 outpointed Williams' 49-49. Gordon Shepherd set the tone with a 50.02 possible first stage but was unable to seal the deal slumping to a 45.01 second dig. B grade was a no contest with Darrin Crimston easily accounting for his competitors.
       F class is seeing the emergence of two young shooters Aaron (AJ) Smith and Isaac Bower. Both are performing exceptionally well under the tutorship of Grahame and Geoff Willis. Jeff Eppleston took out the COW courtesy of a 59.3 first stage and his competitors were chasing from that point on.
       Shayne Barnsley has been a constant companion over many weeks battling the fickle conditions alongside the full bore rifle group and he will be joined by Kelvin Moss and Peter Burgess in the NSW muzzle loading team at the worlds' in Adelaide.
       The Range is shut down now until the 22nd October for motor racing. Shooting will recommence with the BRCI Annual Open Competition and for the first time electronic targets will be used exclusively. The Annual dinner and Trophy presentation is on this week at the RSL.

B Wright FSB 111.6 (12) 100
G Bright TRA 98.10 (2 ½) 100
AJ Smith FSB 113.7 (8 ¾) 100
G P Willis FSA 114.6 (6) 100
J Eppleston FSA 115.7 (5) 100
S Williams TRA 98.10 (1 ½) 99 ½
G Shepherd TRA 95.03 (3 ½) 98 ½
C Howell FSB 110.4 (8 ¼) 98 ¼
R Gibson TRB 86.01 (12) 98
D Crimston TRB 91.03 (5 ½) 96 ½
G S Willis FSA 110.10 (4 ½) 96 ¼
J Coghill TRB 80.03 (12) 92
I Bower FSB 100.2 (7 ¾) 89 ¾
Black Powder;
S Barnsley 27.1-25. 52.1/100
by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Sep 03, 2017