Weekly Review 25/05/2024

Weekly Review 25/05/2024

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 18 & 25th May 2024, 5 & 600 yards, Series 4 Match 6. 

          Saturday 18th May saw the completion of Series 4 Match 5 from 500 yards with a good attendance of shooters including two new club members who have recently commenced long range target shooting in the Sporter Class discipline.

          Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams top scored the class on the day ahead of Graeme Bright. James Clarke again scored a double possible shooting in Sporter Class with Dennis Lavelle nearest a few points away and new shooter Tristan Hughes just one centre bull behind. F Standard Class was led by Col Howell having a good result ahead of Jeff Eppleston. Recent convert to F Open Class Garry Cafe topped the class with a good second stage result ahead of Mal Wright.

          Saturday 25th May saw the last round of the 2024 shooting program held with shooters competing for the Brown Consolation Trophy from 600 yards in possibly the best shooting conditions experienced for some time. After some early movement of the flags from both sides of the range the conditions settled to give very little movement and very clear sighting resulting in most shooters scoring above their handicap with more than five shooters scoring single stage possible results.

          Target Rifle shooter Graeme Bright started with a possible first stage score ahead of John Coghill. Sporter Class shooter Dennis Lavelle had a great day dropping just one point during his first stage and then gaining a possible later in the day to finish just one point ahead of Ben Hawkey who has just recently started in the sport, also gaining a possible result for his second stage.

          F Class Standard shooter Dave Butler has been tuning his skills lately with improved results and top scored the class on the day after a great first stage result to finish ahead of Phil Mahon who held reasonable vertical but experienced enough movement to keep a few shots out of the six ring. F Open shooter Geoff Willis was on a roll for the day until an over eager trigger finger resulted in a lost point on his second last shot to finish just ahead of Garry Café who started slow in his first stage but came home strong achieving his first possible result since moving to F Open Class. Jeff Eppleston competed in Open Class for the day as he tunes his rifle for international competition training and finished just ahead of Mal Wright and Ben Wright.

Geoff Willis


500 yds-
J Clarke 100.16 (0) 100,
D Lavelle 97.8 (4) 100,
T Hughes 97.7 (6.5) 100,
G Cafe 114.10 (5) 100,
D Butler 109.5 (9.25) 100,
C Bennett 89.5 (10.25) 99.25,
B Hawkey 89.5 (10) 99,
J Coghill 87.3 (12) 99,
C Howell 117.10 (1) 98.5,
J Eppleston 115.7 (2) 97.83,
M Wright 109.4 (5.25) 96.08,
S Williams 95.5 (.75) 95.75,
G Bright 93.6 (.75) 93.75.

600 yds-
GS Willis 119.10 (1.5) 100,
D Lavelle 99.10 (8) 100,
G Bright 98.10 (3) 100,
B Hawkey 98.5 (6) 100,
G Cafe 117.8 (5) 100,
D Butler 116.7 (9.25) 100,
P Mahon 113.2 (6.25) 100,
M Wright 112.2 (7.25) 100,
B Wright 110.7 (8.5) 100,
J Coghill 88.4 (12) 100,
J Eppleston 115.7 (3.75) 99.58,
T Hughes 93.6 (5.75) 98.75.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 28, 2024