Weekly Review 03/06/2017

Weekly Review 03/06/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 3rd June 2017 F A Wilde Trophy, 300yards 

            It was a beautiful day for the first shoot of winter with light cloud cover on an otherwise bright sunny day. The conditions were almost perfect for shooting with just a whisper of breeze, but vigilance was required as the breeze and mirage swapped sides regularly. 

            It was the performance of Nick Cock whose double possible 100.14 set the day up for some serious scores, but despite a 60.7 second stage possible from F class Champion Grahame Willis and a cameo from Mark Worrad (60.6), better known for his bench rest skills, there were few performances of note. 

            One particularly pleasing note was the return of Elizabeth Willis who after battling through a first stage calamity with a faulty club rifle, borrowed her uncles’ rifle and proceeded to show her wares with a very tidy 59.2. It is to be hoped that Lizzy takes up from where she left off to have a family, as she has serious potential. 

            In F Class Grahame Willis dropped three points in his first stage but finished strongly well ahead of a group of competitors who all shot moderate 112/120 scores in the F-class discipline. One of those was Colin Howell who has just achieved the lowest progressive handicap of all the F class shooters despite him being the newest shooter of them all. 

            In target rifle the day belonged to Cock whose shooting has been a class above everyone at the club this year. The rest of the TR shooters battled for second with John Coghill surprising, even himself, with a rare competitive shoot. Coghill shot a 93.07 to just pip Gordon Shepherd 93.05 and Dennis Lavelle 91.08 both of whom collected magpie threes for their efforts. 

            Worrad rarely shoots on the range but showed he is not out of his depth over the 300 yard distance whilst visitor Aaron Smith was unfortunately lumped with the aforementioned club rifle which was found to need quite some work to bring it back to competitive condition .  

            Next week will be the second range of the F A Wilde trophy and the first of the 2018 Championship shoots over 500 yards.              




N Cock TRA 100.14 (1/2) 100

J Coghill TRB 93.07 (12) 100

G P Willis FSA 117.9 (2 ¾) 99 ¾

C Howell FSB 112.7 (3 ¾) 96 ½

B Wright FSB 112.5 (3 ¾) 96 ½

J Eppleston FSA 112.0 (3 ¾) 96 ½

G Shepherd TRA 93.05 (3 ¼) 96 ¼

D Lavelle TRB 91.08 (4 ¾) 95 ¾

M Worrad FSA 118.9

G S Willis FSA 53.1- Rtd

E Willis FSB Practice-59.2

A Smith FSB Coached practice 


Black Powder:  

Shayne Barnsley 26.1-14.0   40.1      


by John Coghill


Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 04, 2017