Weekly Review 03/09/2022

Weekly Review 03/09/2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 3rd September 2022, J Wilde Memorial Trophy 700 yards.

          Saturday saw the first round of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy from 700 yards contested in a strong south easterly wind that continually swung to the south and back again making top scores extremely difficult with all shooters affected by the conditions and scoring well short of their handicaps.

          Steve Williams fared the best of the Target Rifle shooters after scoring well during his second stage to finish one point ahead of Graeme Bright who managed to claim eight centre bulls for the day. Gordon Shepherd crashed at the end of his second stage to finish a few points further down after a good first stage score with Charlie Bennett next picking up more points in his second stage. John Coghill lost five points to distraction in the conditions during his first stage which could not be gained later.

          F Class shooter Nick Webster top scored with his consistent scoring in the tricky conditions followed by Geoff Willis who raced to make up for lost points in his second stage with Graham Willis another point away after a bad run during his second stage. Next was Mal Wright a further five points down after only finding centre once during his first stage with Phil Mahon and Col Howell another point behind and then Dave Butler and Auskir Berryman feeling the full effect of the wind. Sporter Class shooter James Clarke did surprisingly well in the tough conditions losing only four points for the day.

          Next week will be the second round of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy from 800 yards.

Geoff Willis

G Shepherd 91.3 (6.75) 97.75,
N Webster 110.4 (5.5) 97.17,
S Williams 95.5 (1) 96,
G Bright 94.8 (2) 96,
C Bennett 84.4 (12) 96,
G P Willis 108.3 (5.75) 95.75,
M Wright 103.4 (9.25) 95.08,
P Mahon 102.1 (9.75) 94.75,
C Howell 102.1 (9) 94,
G S Willis 109.2 (2.5) 93.33,
A Berryman 97.2 (12) 92.83,
D Butler 99.1 (8) 90.5,
J Coghill 75.1 (12) 87,
J Clarke 96.5.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Sep 06, 2022