Weekly Review 04/03/2017

Weekly Review 04/03/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 4th March 2017, W Cutler Cup, 300yards 

            The weather played right into the hands of shooters as individual milestones were reached and record scores were attained. Handicaps which have blown out in recent weeks came in handy as 80% of shooters shot up to or better than their handicaps indicated. 
           Two F-class novices matched or bettered their more credentialed opponents with Ben Wright shooting his first possible, attaining his highest score (118.7/120) and winning the F-class Cock of the Walk. Colin Howell, who has been shooting competitively for less than six months, also shot his first possible and in doing so shot the days' best F-class stage, a 60.5. 
           The honours weren't restricted to F-class as Graeme Bright shot the season's first double possible (100.08) in target rifle, in turn taking out the COW. Steve Williams looked set to usurp Bright until he wound himself an inner four at the second last shot. Gordon Shepherd always critical of his own performances missed a possible with a last shot inner four after a steady but disappointing 47.03 first stage.
           Prior to shooting Dennis Lavelle swapped rifles and sights and found himself in a pickle. He took four shots to find the target using up excess ammo and leaving him with insufficient bullets to finish his second stage. Using a bullet with a light projectile to make up the quota he shot an inner four which cost him the B grade COW. John Coghill for once had a good stage of 49.03 and was rewarded with the said B Grade honour. 

           The Willis brothers were again almost inseparable but neither could shoot up to their handicaps with Geoff just taking the honours over Grahame by three super centres. Visitor, Pete Duncan fired off one stage for 56.3 whilst Aaron Ely slipped across from the SSAA to try his hand at a longer range. He used his .243 Steyr hunting rifle with good results as well as getting a head full of information from the F-class aficionados. Mark Worrad made a rare visit to the range shooting a competent 110.2 in the process.

           The J Wilde Memorial Trophy ended last week and was dominated by G Shepherd who won by 5 ½ points. The W Cutler Cup and the fourth stage of the Club Championship will continue next week at 500 yards.

G Bright TRA 100.08 (2 ¼) 100
S Williams TRA 99.09 (2 ½) 100
B Wright FSB 118.7 (3 ¾) 100
G Shepherd TRA 96.05 (7) 100
C Howell FSB 113.7 (12) 100
J Coghill TRB 92.04 (11 ¼) 100
D Lavelle TRB 91.04 (10 ¼) 100
G S Willis FSA 113.8 (4 ¾) 98 ¼
G P Willis FSA 113.5 (4 1/25) 98
M Worrad FSB 110.2
A Ely (SSAA) FSB 92.0
P Duncan FSA 56.3-Rtd

By John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 05, 2017