Weekly Review 05/03/2022

Weekly Review 05/03/2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 5th March 2022 C R Kelly Cup 700 yards.

          The first round of the C R Kelly Cup at 700 yards on Saturday was well attended with a majority of F Class shooters and the relatively calm wind conditions may have given hope of good scores during the afternoon. After shooting got under way most shooters then realised just how tricky the conditions would prove with the breeze changing from south east to westerly throughout the afternoon with a relatively heavy mirage to make sighting difficult for the F Class scope shooters.

          Graeme Bright may have been a little disappointed in his scoring but he topped the day in Target Rifle Class with a massive ten points margin over Gordon Shepherd and Dennis Lavelle followed closely by John Coghill and then Ron Gibson with a couple of points separating them.

          F Class was dominated by Geoff Willis who somehow only let one point slip at each stage to be five points clear of Ben Wright with Mal Wright just one point away next as he continues to keep his vertical dispersion of shots in check. Jeff Eppleston followed next with a solid first stage score but faltered with bigger grouping of shots later in his second stage to finish three points ahead of Phil Mahon and Graham Willis who were separated by just one super centre. Nick Webster held off Col Howell by one point as both struggled to keep up with the swinging wind direction changes. Auskir Berryman lost the magic of previous weeks only finding the centre on three occasions with Jake Webster continuing to develop his skills in target shooting.

          Next week will be the second round of the C R Kelly Cup at 800 yards.

Geoff Willis

G S Willis 118.11 (4.25) 100,
B Wright 113.2 (7.5) 100,
M Wright 112.6 (7.75) 100,
P Mahon 106.4 (10.75) 99.08,
G Bright 94.3 (5) 99,
J Eppleston 109.3 (6.75) 97.58,
N Webster 104.4 (10.25) 96.92,
D Lavelle 84.3 (12) 96,
J Coghill 82.1 (12) 94,
C Howell 103.2 (7.5) 93.33,
G Shepherd 84.5 (8.75) 92.75,
G P Willis 106.3 (4) 92.33,
A Berryman 95 (12) 91.17,
R Gibson 80.1 (9.5) 89.5,
J Webster 95.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 06, 2022