Weekly Review 05/06/2021

Weekly Review 05/06/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 5th June 2021, Practice 500 Yards.

          Saturday saw the start of the 2021-2022 shooting year for Bathurst Rifle Club with a 500 yards practice day. The club has only a few practice days each year now due to the restricted use of our facilities and ten shooters including a visitor came along to enjoy the great weather to test equipment.

          Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams wasted no time in taking advantage of the conditions scoring a double possible for the day including fifteen centre bulls to narrowly lead Graeme Bright by one point after Graeme dropped one during his second stage. Gordon Shepherd started the day slowly losing a couple of points during his first stage but even a possible for his second stage left him two points off the lead. John Coghill had a steady result for the day although it may not have been quite as good as he manages at times and Charlie Bennett continues to work on his skills with the target rifle and sling shooting.

          F Class looked like a race of shooters dropping two points each during their first stage but Nick Webster showed where he is going with a great possible for his second stage finishing with three super centres to edge out Geoff Willis on a countback for the days honours. Some may have been thinking Auskir Berryman needed to update his equipment but he started off with the leaders and held on till late in his second stage before conceding a couple of extra points. Col Howell again had disappointing results at possibly his favourite distance but an inspection later revealed a necessity to carry out some heavy duty barrel cleaning or possible replacement. Visiting shooter George Nassif was coached by Auskir Berryman and with some steady trigger pulling managed a respectable single stage score for his first time at long range target shooting.

          Next Saturday will see the start of the 2022 shooting year’s trophy competitions with the first range of the Diggers & G James Cups competition starting at 300 yards.

 by Geoff Willis


S Williams 100.15,
G Bright 99.10,
G Shepherd 98.6,
J Coghill 93.4,
C Bennett 81.4.

F Class-
N Webster 118.9,
G S Willis 118.9,
A Berryman 114.6,
C Howell 109.5,
G Nassif 53.3.

Note: Due to a failure of the Target Server no plots were recorded.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 09, 2021