Weekly Review 07/12/2019

Weekly Review 07/12/2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 7th December 2019. 300yds. Diggers & G James Cups.

                The relentless strong winds of late eased a little last Saturday for the fourth stage of the Diggers & G James Cups again contested at 300 yards. Although not as strong as has been lately the west to south westerly proved difficult for most shooters with a few exceptions.

                In TR class Graeme Bright again top scored for the day as he kept all shots within the margins of the bulls eye ring only losing a couple of slightly higher shots later in his second stage. Finishing nine points away next up was Gordon Shepherd who accounted for new shooter Hayden Booth by merely two centre bulls for the day. Visiting ex Bathurst shooter Darren Crimston finished a further four points down as he continues to adjust his new rifle while Dennis Lavelle dropped too many points early with difficulty getting set up to shoot Optical Class.

                In F Class Col Howell top scored showing why he is the short range master finishing two points and two super centres ahead of Jeff Eppleston who had a slow start for the day but finished well scoring five super centres in the second stage. Next was Phil Mahon who held on well to finish four points further down and one point ahead of Geoff Willis who failed to improve for his second stage of the day. Nick Webster finished another five points away as he battled with some substandard rounds and Ben Wright trailed by three more points as he battled the wind with small calibre light weight hunting bullets which kept reasonable elevation but suffered in the variable wind conditions.

                Next week will be the 5th round of the Diggers & G James Cups and a Club Championship round shooting at 500 yards.

                                                                                                                                                  by Geoff Willis

G Bright 98.7 (4) 100
C Howell 116.9 (6.5) 100
J Eppleston 114.7 (6.75) 100
P Mahon (9.5) 100
H Booth 89.5 (12) 100
G S Willis 109.3 (7.5) 98.33
G Shepherd 89.7 (8) 97
B Wright 101.3 (10.75) 94.92
N Webster 104.4 (7.5) 94.17
D Lavelle 81.5 (12) 93
D Crimston 85.2

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 08, 2019