Weekly Review 08/02/2020

Weekly Review 08/02/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 8th February 2020, 600yds. Gilmour Cup.

                The final round of the Gilmour Cup competition from 600 yards was held on Saturday with overcast and cooler weather. Variable easterly winds at up to 20 kph kept shooters entertained and occasionally eased until bringing a storm through later in the afternoon that halted shooting briefly before clearing again. 

                It was a close contest amongst the top three of the Target Rifle shooters present with Graeme Bright keeping ahead of Gordon Shepherd by only two centre bulls for the day’s top honours after Shepherd started well with just one point lost in his first stage. Steve Williams finished next only one point further down but managed the best centre bull count for the day to be six points ahead of Ron Gibson who had a slow start to his second stage score.

                Col Howell again led the F Class shooters with a great first stage score then finishing the day with all but four of his shots hitting the centre to keep two points ahead of Graham Willis who also scored very consistently. Next was Ben Wright finishing another three points down and one point ahead of Phil Mahon who has improved lately to be scoring nearer the top of the leader board. After a reasonable first stage and then what appeared to be a good start in his second stage Nick Webster must have been left frustrated after his next five shots only managed to surround the target centre all scoring in the four ring. Jeff Eppleston was also considering the cause of his spread of shots after his first stage and then retired halfway through his second stage due to the storm.  

                The Gilmour Cup was won by Phil Mahon (299.17) with runner up Ron Gibson (299).
                Next Saturday’s shoot will be at 700 yards for the start of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy contested over 700, 800 and 900 yards.

                                                                                                                                                     by Geoff Willis

B Wright 111.2 (8) 100,
R Gibson 88.3 (12) 100,
G P Willis 114.5 (5.5) 99.25,
C Howell 116.2 (2.5) 99.17,
P Mahon 110.5 (7.5) 99.17,
G Shepherd 95.3 (3.75) 98.75,
G Bright 95.5 (3.25) 98.25,
N Webster 103.2 (12) 97.83,
S Williams 94.6 (3) 97,
J Eppleston 51.1 Retired.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 09, 2020