Weekly Review 09/11/2019

Weekly Review 09/11/2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 9th November 2019. 300yds. Diggers & G James Cups.

                The next six weeks sees the Diggers & G James Cups contested over 2x300, 2x500 & 2x600 yards. After our successful Open prize Meeting two weeks ago the Bathurst Rifle Club got back to business again with the start of our Club Trophy Competition season last Saturday at the 300 yard firing point.

                With the continuing strong winds that have prevailed over the last several days or more Saturday was not going to be easy, even from the shortest distance we shoot. The strong west to south westerly continually changed throughout the afternoon occasionally attempting a swing to come from the south east making it a difficult task to pick your way through looking for similar conditions each shot.

                Of the Target Rifle shooters Graeme Bright narrowly got the days honours over Gordon Shepherd by merely one centre bull. Dennis Lavelle was next best finishing five points further down with Hayden Booth struggling in the conditions after eight weeks since his last practice with the target rifle.

                Visiting the Bathurst range again Boyd Mackinley scored reasonably well for the day, shooting in Optical Class he managed to finish one point ahead of the leading Target Rifle shooters.

                It was no easier for the F Class shooters with most dropping between five and ten points each in the first stage of the day. Geoff Willis managed the day’s best overall after changing rifles for the second stage then carefully watching the flags to narrowly keep a few more shots in the six ring finishing two points in front of the consistent shooting Ben Wright. Jeff Eppleston ensured he was near the tail end by putting a shot on the next target across although still managed to finish one point in front of Col Howell who normally prefers the shorter distances, but suffered badly at the whim of the wind.

                The Bathurst Rifle Club held its 2019 Annual Dinner and Trophy Presentation on Saturday night at the Bathurst RSL Club enjoying the usual great service and meals for a successful night with our club members and special guests from fellow District Association Clubs of Lithgow and Katoomba attending to present their respective trophies as well.

                                                                                                                                 by Geoff Willis

G Bright 90.5 (7.75)
B Wright 108.5 (97.5)
G S Willis 110.5 (5.5) 96.5
G Shepherd 90.4 (6.5) 96.5
J Eppleston 102.3 (11) 96.0
D Lavelle 85.2 (10.25) 95.25
C Howell 101.2 (7.25) 91.25
H Booth 71 (12) 83
B Mackinley 91.3

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 10, 2019