Weekly Review 12/11/2016

Weekly Review 12/11/2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 12 November 2016 Diggers and G James Cups, 500yards

             Saturday produced a hot windy day to challenge shooters on the first of the 500 yard Club Championship ranges. The wind predominantly from the west was strong and gusty all day. Competitors had to adjust their sights regularly with the projectile deviating up to one metre.
             No one escaped unscathed on the day but there were some good performances. Gordon Shepherd started the day in fine form shooting 49.06, leading following shooters to believe that the conditions were not as bad as they looked. This was not the case as Steve Williams and Graeme Bright bowed to the gusty conditions dropping two points apiece although they also scored centre bulls eyes on a regular basis. John Coghill had his usual wild outer but otherwise it was not such a bad shoot.

             The F-class contingent was joined by Dennis Lavelle who decided to add a scope and a rest for the days shoot. Grahame (GP) Willis was best of the first stage but he suffered an inner four, the F-class equivalent of the target rifle magpie. Jeff Eppleston and Geoff (GS) Willis also suffered the ignominy of an inner (GS shooting two of) and they collected too many bulls eye fives to boot. Colin Howell is gaining confidence with his new gear and an understanding of the rough conditions frequently experienced on the Bathurst Range. Lavelle's trip to the dark side did not venture well as his unfamiliarity with the telescope brought about his undoing.

             The second stage was a repeat of the first with the wind continuing to buffet shooters on the mound and alter the trajectory of the bullet. Bright lived up to his name as the brightest star on the day with a Cock of the Walk winning 49.04 just ahead of Shepherd who faltered with a 47.04, but he continues to shoot big centre counts, adding another 10 to his tally. Williams also fell short with 47.04 and Coghill couldn't finish dropping 4 points in his last 3 shots.

             Eppleston dropped three points but collected 5 super centres to overtake GP Willis who had a repeat 55. Howell put in one of his best shoots scoring 55.3 and Lavelle gained some understanding of his telescope with a score of 51.2. Shooting last, GS Willis overtook his competitors with the days' high, a 59.4 to win the F-class COW.

             The next shoot is the 600 yard range of the Diggers and G James Cups on 19th November.

G Bright TRA 97.05 (1 ½) 98 ½
G Shepherd TRA 96.10 (2 ¼) 98 ¼
J Coghill TRB 87.03 (10 ¾) 97 ¾
C Howell FSB 105.4 (12) 97 ½
S Williams TRA 95.09 (2) 97
J Eppleston FSA 110.8 (4 ¾) 95 ¾
G S Willis FSA 112.4 (2 ¼) 95 ¼
G P Willis FSA 110.2 (3 ¾) 94 ¾
D Lavelle FSB 95.2

by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 14, 2016