Weekly Review 13/01/2018

Weekly Review 13/01/2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 13th January 2018, T W Willman Trophy, 900yards 

             Prospects before the shoot looked rather bleak with a strong westerly wind gusting across the range but surprisingly and uncharacteristically the wind died down as shooting commenced. With a slight breeze and light gusts Nick Cock, with the advantage of an early draw, took maximum advantage setting the tone for the rest of the shoot with a 50.05 possible. 

             Graeme Bright dropped a magpie three between two V bulls for a 46.06 and John Coghill had eight on without dropping a point before he returned to form with an inner four, magpie three finish. Gordon Shepherd not to be outdone started with magpie/inner before matching Coghills’ 47 as did Steve Williams but with a better V bull count. 

             Ben Wright set the tone for the F Class group with a 58.3 just ahead of Geoff Willis on 57.3. Nick Webster, coached by Willis, but hampered by sticking cases had a disastrous outer start but knuckled down to finish well dropping just three more points. Jeff Eppleston paid the price of changing ammunition mid-stage with a big elevation change gifting him a magpie three. 

             The wind began to pick up as the afternoon wore on and the gusts became stronger and more frequent, with the scores dropping accordingly. Bright and Eppleston were the only ones to buck the trend with Bright topping the stage with 49.02 and Eppleston somewhat relieved to come back with a 56.3. Willis grabbed the F Class Cock of the Walk with a one point advantage over Wright who had a double inner finish, but Webster found the new breeze quite daunting. 

             Surprisingly Cock ran into trouble with the gusting wind but managed to hold off Bright by one point. Coghill again shot well but couldn’t resist the lure of the magpie, collecting three without the hint of an inner four. Williams and Shepherd vied with one another for the worst finish of the day, Williams with an inner/bull/inner/outer finish and Shepherd with a magpie/bull/outer effort. 

             Cock won the K Harvey Trophy, shot over 6 weeks and all ranges by the near record margin of 12 points, and Coghill won the T W Willman Trophy on count back after a three way tie with Shepherd and Wright. 

             The next shoot is start of the 108 year old R L Gilmour Esq. Cup commencing at 300 yards on the 20th January 2018.    



J Coghill TRB 91.04 (12) 100

G Shepherd TRA 91.06 (10 ¾) 100

B Wright FSB 112.4 (8 ¼) 100

G Bright TRA 95.08 (4 ¾) 99 ¾

N Cock TRA 96.09 (2 ¼) 98 ¼

G S Willis FSA 113.6 (5) 98 ¼

J Eppleston FSA 106.5 (7 ¼) 94 ½

S Williams TRA 90.06 (2 ¼) 92 ¼

N Webster FSB 97.01 (10 ¾) 89 ¾


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 14, 2018