Weekly Review 13/05/2017

Weekly Review 13/05/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 13th May 2017, I Hughes & R Northcott Trophies, 700yards 

            Another dull lifeless day or so it appeared as shooters lined up to contest the I. Hughes and Roger Northcott Trophies over 700 yards. With hardly any movement from the directional flags and the lack of sun masking whatever mirage there was almost invisible; it appeared to be a day to pocket a bag full of points in the Club Championship race.

            As it turned out many did boost their championship tally but only Graeme Bright took advantage of the conditions, but even he fell afoul of the hidden foibles within the benign conditions. A double inner early in his first stage spoilt an otherwise great shoot which was topped off with a 50.03 possible and the days’ Cock of the Walk. 

            Steve Williams with a 49.03 took the early lead from Bright and Nick Cock 48.02 whilst John Coghill had an inner/magpie/inner patch mid-stage. Dennis Lavelle was all ups and downs with his ammunition in an inner four laden 43.0. Brights’ possible upstaged everyone at the second dig as Cock and Williams both fumbled the opportunity to grab the day. Coghill had another wobble but he had enough to hold off Lavelle who changed rifles and calibers with little positive result. 

            The F class contingent was all abuzz with the surprise finding of a large discrepancy in the muzzle velocity, shot to shot, of Jeff Epplestons' ammunition and the score board showed the result, a lowly 53.0. With Eppleston due to fly out to Canada in July it is imperative that he finds a solution before he contests the World Long Range F-Class Championships. A second stage 59.4 was a little better but on such a good shooting day that not good enough. Grahame Willis was the standout with a pair of 58’s and the COW ahead of Ben Wright 111.4 and Colin Howell 110.1.   

             The Championship race is to all intents and purposes over and bar a series of miracles Cock has taken out his first BRCI Club Championship with Grahame Willis putting his name on the F-class Championship Cup for the third year in a row. Less secure but still heavy favourite, Lavelle has both hands on the B Grade Cup with a lead of nine points with just one range left to complete the 2017 Championship, which will conclude at 900 yards on the 27th May.

              Next week will be the start of the two week long Secretary’s Trophy at 800 yards. Wright won the F class R Northcott Trophy and Bright the I Hughes Trophy. 



G Bright TRA 98.06 (3 ¼) 100

J Coghill TRB 91.01 (12) 100

B Wright FSB 111.4 (11 ¾) 100

G P Willis FSA 116.5 (2 ¾) 99

S Williams TRA 97.05 (2) 99

N Cock TRA 97.06 (3/4) 97 ¾

J Eppleston FSA 112.4 (4) 96 ¾

C Howell FSB 110.1 (5) 95 ¾

D Lavelle TRB 86.02 (9 ¼) 95 ¼


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 14, 2017