Weekly Review 14/12/2019

Weekly Review 14/12/2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 14th December 2019. 500yds. Diggers & G James Cups.

                The fifth round of the Diggers & G James Cups was contested last Saturday in warm sunny weather with a moderately strong west to south westerly breeze that continually and often abruptly changed direction and strength during the afternoon to make a very difficult task of scoring well.

                Shooting in Target Rifle Class Graeme Bright again scored well during the difficult conditions of the afternoon dropping only two points during each stage for the day and scoring five centre bulls while Hayden Booth lost another eight points as he continues to develop his skills with the rifle.

                The F Class shooters found the conditions very difficult which was reflected in the scores although Col Howell again top scored after a great first stage result with only two points lost but suffered the loss of another seven points in his second stage dropping a total nine points but his higher super centre count kept Geoff Willis at bay by two super centres for the days shooting. Ben Wright did well only dropping another two points to finish next up and one point ahead of Phil Mahon with Graham Willis another point down after a difficult second stage. Nick Webster rounded out the field for the day again struggling with ammunition problems.    

                Next week will be the 6th and final round of the Diggers & G James Cups and another Club Championship round shooting at 600 yards.

                                                                                                                                                    by Geoff Willis

C Howell 111.7 (9) 100
P Mahon 107.3 (11) 100
B Wright 109.2 (8.75) 99.58
G Bright 96.5 (2.5) 98.5
H Booth 88.1 (10.25) 98.25
G S Willis 111.5 (5.25) 97.75
G P Willis 106.5 (8) 96.33
N Webster 101.0 (7.5) 91.67

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 15, 2019