Weekly Review 15/02/2020

Weekly Review 15/02/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 15th February 2020, 700yds. J Wilde Memorial Trophy.

                Saturday saw the first round of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy held over 700 yards in reasonably hot weather that was occasionally relieved by passing clouds. Two electronic targets were set up for the shooters present who had to contend with a brisk westerly breeze that was to continually fluctuate in strength from approximately five to fifteen kph during the afternoon at times swinging to come from the south east briefly then slowly back again from the west.

                Of the Target Rifle shooters the current TR club champion Graeme Bright had a good start with his first stage of the day which kept him one point ahead of Steve Williams who was unlucky starting his second stage with the loss of two points from his first scoring shot. Ron Gibson finished next another nine points down keeping enough shots in the bull’s eye ring to stay two points ahead of Dennis Lavelle and three points in front of Gordon Shepherd who held great elevation in his second stage but suffered too many points lost to the variable wind.

                The F Class shooters also had a tough time with the conditions although Geoff Willis managed to save a bit of luck up and hold off the pack by two points even after losing points to a shot on the wrong target. Col Howell claimed next position with his usual great elevation hold to finish up two points ahead of Jeff Eppleston and Graham Willis who both had shots not going where they preferred. Ben Wright had little satisfaction with his grouping of shots in either stage and while he held great elevation during his second stage the conditions caused too much lateral dispersion of the shots.

                Next week we plan to shoot the two final rounds of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy from 800 and 900 yards with set up for 800 yards at 8:30 am, then a break for lunch before shooting 900 yards.

                                                                                                                                                     by Geoff Willis

G S Willis 108.6 (12) 100,
S Williams 95.6 (4.25) 99.25,
G Bright 96.6 (2.75) 98.75,
J Eppleston 104.4 (12) 98.67,
R Gibson 86.0 (12) 98,
C Howell 106.4 (9) 97.33,
D Lavelle (12) 96,
G Shepherd 83.3 (11.25) 94.25,
B Wright 98.4 (12) 93.67,
G P Willis 104.1 (5) 91.67.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 16, 2020