Weekly Review 15/04/2023

Weekly Review 15/04/2023

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 15th April 2023 J Sibera Trophy 500 yards.

          Saturdays second round of the J Sibera Trophy from 500 yards saw a good attendance with most shooters scoring to handicap or very close with the mostly steady north westerly breeze occasionally giving slight angle changes to catch some shooters out.

          Shooting in Target Rifle class Graeme Bright enjoyed the conditions dropping just the one point early on to claim top spot ahead of Steve Williams and Gordon Shepherd who were separated by a close countback on the days scores. John Coghill and Dennis Lavelle followed one point away also scoring well for the day separated only on a countback with Charlie Bennett returning after a break to finish just a few points behind. Shooting in Sporter Class James Clarke found some competition for the day with Darren Johnson just three centre bulls away trying out his new rifle.

          F Class shooter Geoff Willis was happily surprised to top score on the day with a double possible ahead of Graham Willis and Jeff Eppleston separated only on countback with Dave Butler one super centre away in the trio. Col Howell finished another point down needing a better second stage score with Phil Mahon another point away after a slow start with his first stage score. Mal Wright and Nick Webster paired up on points scores also with Mal gaining more super centres. Khoby West-Kennett returned after a break to enjoy shooting the club rifle while making a big improvement for his second stage score.

          Next Saturday will be the final round of the J Sibera Trophy from 600 yards.

Geoff Willis

G S Willis 120.11 (.75) 100,
G Bright 99.6 (1) 100,
D Butler 116.6 (9.5) 100,
D Lavelle 95.4 (10.5) 100,
J Coghill 95.4 (11.5) 100,
M Wright 113.7 (6.5) 100,
J Clarke 93.6 (7.5) 100,
D Johnson 93.4 (7.5) 100,
G Shepherd 96.6 (3) 99,
P Mahon 114.7 (3.75) 98.75,
C Bennett 92.6 (6.75) 98.75,
G P Willis 116.7 (2) 98.67,
J Eppleston 116.7 (2) 98.67,
C Howell 115.8 (2.5) 98.33,
N Webster 113.3 (3.25) 97.42,
S Williams 96.6 (.75) 96.75,
K West-Kennett 102.7 (9) 94.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 17, 2023