Weekly Review 15/05/2021

Weekly Review 15/05/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 15th May 2021, W & J Brown Shield 700 & 800 Yards.

          Saturday 8th May saw the start of the W & J Brown Shield at 700 yards with only light conditions so some good scores may have been expected and at the end of the day almost half the shooters had scored to their handicap.

          Graeme Bright led the Target Rifle shooters with a great first stage score dropping only one point to keep him four points ahead of Ron Gibson who scored consistently to finish with one point in front of Gordon Shepherd. In F Class Geoff Willis held the lead one point in front of Jeff Eppleston with Auskir Berryman following next nine points away with new club member Mal Wright another two points down just ahead of Phil Mahon.

          Saturday 15th May it was back to 800 yards for the second round of the W & J Brown Shield on a cold day with a mostly strong and gusty west to south west breeze that had only brief steady periods keeping scores below average for the day.

          Target Rifle shooters were again led by Graeme Bright dropping just one point in his first stage and although the conditions caught up with him in his second stage he remained two points ahead of Gordon shepherd with new shooter Charlie Bennett and John Coghill struggling in the gusty conditions. In F Class Geoff Willis managed to stay ahead with reasonably consistent scoring for the day finishing seven points in front of Ben Wright and Jeff Eppleston. Auskir Berryman finished one more point behind and one point in front of Mal Wright who made an equipment adjustment after his first stage and scored much better in his second stage with Phil Mahon not recovering after a rough first stage score.

          Next Saturday will be at 900 yards for the final round of the 2021 Club Championship and W & J Brown Shield and also the final round of the Gurdon Cup and A Pratley Shield contested over all six ranges.

by Geoff Willis

Scores 700yds:
G S Willis 116.9 (4.25) 100,
R Gibson 90.3 (12) 100,
G Shepherd 89.5 (12) 100,
A Berryman 106.3 (12) 100,
J Eppleston 115.8 (2.75) 98.58,
P Mahon 103.2 (12) 97.83,
G Bright 94.5 (3) 97,
M Wright 104 (7.25) 93.92,
J Coghill (121) 92.

Scores 800yds:
B Wright 106.3 (11.25) 99.58,
A Berryman 105.3 (12) 99.5,
G S Willis 113.4 (3.5) 97.67,
P Mahon 102.5 (12) 99.5,
G Shepherd 91.6 (5.75) 96.75,
M Wright 104.2 (9) 95.67,
G Bright (1.5) 94.5,
J Eppleston 106.2 (5.5) 93.82,
C Bennett 75.1 (12) 87,
J Coghill 73.1 (12) 85.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 18, 2021