Weekly Review 15/07/2017

Weekly Review 15/07/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 15th July 2017, J Sibera Trophy, 300yards 

            It was back to the short ranges on Saturday as shooters commenced the J Sibera Trophy at 300 yards. For some the short ranges are irresistible and a high score is almost guaranteed. For others the small centre bulls’ eyes bring a touch of the wobbles and a few miserable moments on the mound.

             The light westerly breeze wasn’t unreadable but it still played on shooters minds as one by one they muffed their chances. F-class or target rifle, the story was the same with few able to concentrate their shots inside the bulls’ eye ring. Inner fours were the favorite number although a magpie or three found their way onto the scorecards of more than one competitor.

             The exceptions were as usual, Nick Cock, who just continues to give high level exhibitions week after week, again demolishing all opposition with a high centre count possible. Another who is fast gaining a reputation for giant killing performances is Colin Howell who topped the F-class scores as he compiled an amazing 13/20 super bulls’ eyes. This required putting 13 shots inside a ring measuring just 3.5 centimeters in diameter from 300 yard away, quite a feat for someone who has only been target shooting for just on one year.

             Others were not quite so enamored with their performances with the likes of Gordon Shepherd and Graeme Bright a little flummoxed with the results. Both shooters complained of the light and the lack of contrast making it impossible to get a clear picture of the target.

             B grade was a race to the bottom with all three competitors determined to circle the centre rather than hitting it and that circle grew bigger as the magpie threes mounted. It all boiled down to who had learned the lessons of the first stage better and that was a near thing. Dennis Lavelle scraped through by a point from John Coghill with Ron Gibson a point further back.

             Jeff Eppleston tuned up for his trip to Canada but the Willis brothers Geoff and Grahame only shot the one stage, Graham preferring to coach Aaron (AJ) Smith to a very competent 114.5. Black powder shooter Shayne Barnsley brought along his 30/30 hunting rifle for a bit of fun and his score highlighted the difference between that and a target rifle.     


             The J Sibera trophy continues next week with the second 500 yard Championship range.             



N Cock TRA 100.10 (0) 100

C Howell FSB 116.13 (4 ¾) 100

J Coghill TRB 87.03 (12) 99

G Shepherd TRA 95.07 (2 ¾) 97 ¾

R Gibson TRB 86.01 (11 ¼) 97 ¼

J Eppleston FSA 115.9 (1 ¼) 97

D Lavelle TRB 88.04 (8 ½) 96 ½

G Bright TRA 91.04 (3 ¼) 94 ¼

A J Smith FSB 114.5

S Barnsley FSB 77.1

G S Willis 57.5

G P Willis FSA 57.4


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 16, 2017