Weekly Review 15/08/2020

Weekly Review 15/08/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 15th August 2020, Gilmour Cup 500 yard.

          Although Saturday afternoon was not a good time to be outdoors with the westerly wind getting colder during the day and bringing some light rain through with it most available club members came along to compete for the second round of the Gilmour Cup from 500 yards. New shooter Auskir Berryman again kindly brought along his awnings which made shooting much more comfortable with some cover from the weather. The conditions were not easy in the moderate to strong breeze but a couple of the clubs top shooters managed some excellent scores.

          Graeme Bright again continued his excellent form in the Target Rifle class only dropping one point during his second stage while accumulating eleven centre bulls for the day to finish with a four point advantage over Gordon Shepherd who claimed seven centre bulls.

          The good roll up of F Class shooters were no match for Jeff Eppleston who also only dropped one point for the day during his first stage and gained ten super centres to finish seven points ahead of Col Howell. Two points further away came Ben Wright who had a few too many low shots later to finish with a one super centre lead over new shooter Auskir Berryman who is steadily improving his consistency and scores. Next was Nick Webster who battled repeated interruptions during his second stage that likely caused a loss of points with Geoff Willis trailing the group badly after losing concentration several times during his second stage resulting in a loss of points on each time.

          We return for the third round of the Gilmour Cup from 600 yards on the 29th August.

A Berryman 110.4 (8.25) 99.92,
G Bright 99.11 (0.5) 99.5,
J Eppleston 119.10 (0.25) 99.42,
C Howell 112.7 (4.25) 97.58,
N Webster 106.2 (8.75) 97.08,
G Shepherd 95.7 (1.75) 96.75,
B Wright 110.5 (4.5) 96.17,
G S Willis 93.7 (4.5) 82.

by Geoff Willis

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 16, 2020