Weekly Review 16 & 23/11/2019

Weekly Review 16 & 23/11/2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 16th & 23rd November 2019. 500/600yds. Diggers & G James Cups.

                The last two Saturdays have seen the first 500 and 600 yards ranges contested for the Diggers & G. James Cups.

                On the 16th November at 500 yards the club had several members away contesting the ACT Championships. In Target Rifle class Gordon Shepherd easily gained the days win over Dennis Lavelle with a fifteen points lead for the day. Competing in Optical class visiting shooter Boyd Mackinlay had a great days shooting dropping only three points.

                In F Class Hayden Booth had an amazing day taking the honours while dropping only five points with Ben Wright wind coach. Next in line was Graham Willis a further four points away and two points in front of Col Howell. New shooters Zara Coorey and Nikita Booth had similar battles with the weather to be another three points each down with Zara ahead by one super centre. Ben Wright may well have been distracted by doing all the coaching finishing a further four points down and one point in front of Nick Webster for the day.                                                                                                                                  

H Booth 114.10 (9.7) 100
N Booth 106.5 (12) 100
C Howell 109.6 (9) 99
G P Willis 111.7 (6.75) 98.75
G Shepherd 90.6 (4.5) 94.5
Z Coorey 106.6 (6) 94
B Wright 102.6 (8) 93
N Webster 101.2 (8) 92
D Lavelle 75.3 (8.5) 83.5
B Mackinlay 97.8

                Last Saturday at 600 yards Bathurst Rifle Club contested the third stage of the Diggers & G James Cups. Only the most enthusiastic ventured out in an uncomfortable heat and a strong westerly wind which almost constantly gusted up to 40 kph then at times dropping to about 12 kph and often swinging in direction to south or sometimes north of its main heading.

                In Target Rifle class Graeme Bright had other shooters amazed as he handled the tricky conditions with relative ease to finish fourteen points ahead of Dennis Lavelle and Gordon Shepherd who had no answer for the treacherous conditions.

                Of the F Class shooters Geoff Willis managed to finish in front by three points with Col Howell next up with a strong second stage finish. Jeff Eppleston and Ben Wright finished another three points down as each made excursions into the magpie three scoring ring on one occasion, Eppleston’ consistency kept him just ahead on countback.

G S Willis 106.3 (12) 100
G Bright 95.5 (3.5) 98.5
B Wright 100.2 (12) 95
C Howell 103.3 (7.25) 92.25
J Eppleston 100.2 (8.5) 91.5
D Lavelle 81.3 (10.25) 91.25
G Shepherd 81.0 (8.5) 89.5

                                                                                                                                 by  Geoff Willis

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 24, 2019