Weekly Review 16/03/2019

Weekly Review 16/03/2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 16th March 2019. 500yds. W. Cutler Cup & Club Championship.

           Saturday saw the second round of the W Cutler Cup and a club championship shoot.

           The numbers of competitors at this week’s 500-yard club shoot were somewhat depleted with 4 members attending the annual Lyndhurst two-day prize shoot. The six shooters that did attend were greeted with a strong and variable easterly breeze that swirled over the tree lot lining the eastern perimeter of the range.

           Gordon Shepherd being the only target rifle competitor, had no trouble winning the TR cock of the walk, with a solid pair of 48’s and a total of 10 centre bulls along the way.

           Jeff Eppleston was the best of the five F class shooters finishing with a 58 and a 57, followed by Graham Willis on 110 and Col Howell a point further back. Phil Mahon produced good elevation in his first stage and despite a shaky start finished his second stage with a good 55 to total 107. Again, relative newcomer Luke Engle showed consistent elevation with the club 308 to finish with a score of 108.

           Shooter numbers are expected to improve next Saturday for the 600-yard club championship event and the final round of the W Cutler Cup.


Gordon Shepherd   96.10 (4.33) 100

Jeff Eppleston         115.5 (7) 100

Luke Engle              108.5 (11.5) 99.58

Phil Mahon             107.6 (12) 99.17

Graham Willis         110.3 (8.25) 98.54

Col Howell              109.1 (6.33) 96.11

by Geoff Willis

 All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 18, 2019