Weekly Review 17/04/2021

Weekly Review 17/04/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 17th April 2021, C R Kelly Cup 900 Yards.

          The final round of the C R Kelly Cup was contested on Saturday 17th April at 900 yards in mild weather where most could have expected good results but the slight and unpredictable breezes coming up the range combined with the swinging mirage proved difficult for most shooters.

          Gordon Shepherd topped the scores in Target Rifle Class leading John Coghill and Ron Gibson by a respectable margin for the afternoons shooting although all were probably disappointed with results for the day.

          The standout shooter for the day was F Class shooter Graham Willis who scored well in his first stage only dropping two points and then backed up with a top possible score in his second stage to lead the group with Nick Webster next down five points away after a great second stage score for the day. Next best was new shooter Charlie Bennett who started with a great first stage score only dropping one point which kept him one point ahead of Geoff Willis who lost concentration early in his first stage losing twelve points during the string. Auskir Berryman appeared to have more trouble with vertical stringing of shots than wind which may need some attention with visiting shooter Mal Wright taking a while to settle during his first stage with results overall not as expected.

          Most shooters also contested another round for the Treasurers Trophy with Graham Willis also scoring well to lead the group narrowly over Geoff Willis and Auskir Berryman all scoring maximum handicap points toward the trophy.

by Geoff Willis

G P Willis 118.7 (3.25) 100,
N Webster 113.2 (6.25) 100,
A Berryman 103.2 (12) 97.83,
G Shepherd 91.5 (6.25) 97.25,
C Bennett 108.4 (6.98) 96.98,
G S Willis 107.6 (6) 95.17,
J Coghill 82 (12) 94,
R Gibson 79.3 (7.75) 86.75,
M Wright 102.2.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 28, 2021