Weekly Review 17/06/2017

Weekly Review 17/06/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 17th June 2017, Practice 600yards

          Saturdays final round of the F A Wilde Memorial Trophy and first 600 yard round of the Club Championship was abandoned and replaced with a demonstration and practice on the Silver Mountain Electronic Target system.

          On a perfect shooting day the system, one of several the Club is evaluating, performed well and gave club members a firsthand look at the advantages to be gained by installing an electronic system. From a safety point of view, the physical nature of working a manual target is reduced markedly, and the fact that no person is in front of the firing line also reduces the chances of accidental injury. From the shooters perspective the information displayed on the screens, both during and after the shoot, is invaluable for the development of accuracy and performance.

          The weather was overcast and still, giving all a chance to evaluate their ammunition and technique. Jeff Eppleston, heading off to Queensland for the a week of shooting at the 2017 National Rifle Championships, along with at least five other club members, shot a great group with his second rifle and limited ammunition. His 118.10 was top class and bodes well for the Championship and his August appointment in Canada.

          Graeme Bright and Nick Cock also shot well with scores of 99.08 and 98.07 boosting their chances of a good showing in Brisbane. Gordon Shepherd who is not travelling pushed both with a 98.09 just faltering midway through the last stage. Shepherd, at one stage pulled the trigger to hear a distinctive click, so engrossed was he with the electronic screen displaying his fall of shot that he had forgotten to load a round into the chamber.

          John Coghill had his best showing for three months and must carry that form on into the new Championship year whilst Dennis Lavelle had a rough start (double magpie) before settling for a moderate finish. Ben Wright another heading off to Brisbane shot a moderate 56.4 first stage but then excelled with a second stage 60.4 possible giving him confidence ahead of the Nationals.

           Nick Cock won the Blue Mountains District Rifle Association Champion of Champions honour last week as well as winning the local F A Wilde Memorial Trophy.

           Sincere thanks to David Waters and Allen Reilly for travelling from Katoomba to demonstrate the Silver Mountain system.

G Bright TRA 99.08
G Shepherd TRA 98.09
N Cock TRA 98.07
J Coghill TRB 95.04
D Lavelle TRB 91.04
A Reilly (Katoomba) TRB 47.02
J Eppleston FSA 118.10
B Wright FSB 116.7
C Howell FSB 107.3
G P Willis FSA 58.5

by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 18, 2017