Weekly Review 17/12/2016

Weekly Review 17/12/2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 17 December 2016 Diggers and G James Cups, 600yards

             Approaching Christmas even the challenge of posting a competitive score for the Club Championship is not inducing big attendances at the local competition. To be fair members have travelled extensively during the year winning several competitions, and family comes first at this time of year.
             For those that did attend on Saturday they may as well have had a days' rest as the wind played rough and there was many an ironic smile on shooters faces as they exited the mound. The westerly wind was strong and gusting (up to 9 windage points or 1 ½ metre deviation) and moved in a 45 degree arc from west south-west to west north-west. The buffeting shooters experienced on the mound certainly did not help matters.
             Nick Cock was the standout on the day and although his 95.07 was just a moderate score, under the conditions, it was a fantastic shoot. Graeme Bright tried hard but he could not quite match Cock's accuracy falling four points and two centre's short. Gordon Shepherd had one of those days and John Coghill need not have bothered.

             The F-class contingent fared even worse and their efforts added to their rapidly rising handicaps. Geoff Willis who is want to play with many different types of rifle brought along a newly purchased Barnard actioned rifle set up for F-class open. After a steady opening range he crashed and just hung on to take the Cock of the Walk from Grahame Willis who scored double the number of super bull's eyes than any of his competitors, but also shot way too many inner fours.

             If Jeff Eppleston was shooting target rifle he would have had a double possible (two 50's) but his target is 60 points per stage and Colin Howell is wondering why he took up such a sport as the conditions since he started target shooting have been way worse than difficult. Kev Diletti used the club's .223 scoped rifle, to get some experience with target shooting.
             The rough weather conditions made it virtually impossible for contestants to post competitive scores and Bright and Coghill were able to hold on and win the Diggers (Off rifle) and G James (Handicap) Cups by virtue of their first round results.
             The 700 yard championship range next week, 24th December, will be shot in conjunction with the W Northcott Trophy.

N Cock TRA 95.07 (3) 98
G Bright TRA 91.05 (4 ½) 95 ½
G S Willis FSA 104.0 (6) 91 ¾
G Shepherd TRA 85.01 (6) 91
G P Willis FSA 101.4 (8) 90 ¾
J Coghill TRB 78.01 (12) 90
J Eppleston FSA 100.2 (7) 89 ¼
C Howell FSB 91.1 (12) 85 ¾
K Diletti FSB 92.2

by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 18, 2016