Weekly Review 18/03/2017

Weekly Review 18/03/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 18 March 2017, W Cutler Cup, 600yards 

               We have had easterly winds over much of the past 4 weeks and each has been different in its effect on the shooting conditions. Saturdays easterly moved in an arc from almost full southerly to full northerly but the strength remained relatively steady meaning the angle of the breeze determined the degree of deflection of the projectile.

               Nick Cock was again the standout shooting 99.09 to easily win the Cock of the Walk. Graeme Bright tried hard but was one point shy of Cock in both stages whilst Steve Williams, whilst amassing 10 centre bull's eyes couldn't hold tight in the bull's eye ring. John Coghill had an excellent day finally breaking free of the mire he has been in, in recent months. Shepherd seemed to catch the Coghill disease as an elbow injury caused a 2nd stage meltdown. Dennis Lavelle only had one stage (not good) after switching back to his 7.62mm caliber rifle, before heading off to the Katoomba Rifle Club presentation.

               The F-class contingent provided quite a bit of interest as Australian Team members Jeff Eppleston and Geoff Willis shot off in the Bisley style of alternate shots on the same target. They are preparing for their sojourn to Canada later this year and found it very different to stand alone stages, as scores of 109.4 and 111.5 showed.

               Grahame Willis meanwhile looked to consolidate his position in the F-class Championship with a well compiled 114.5; the 58.4 second stage a feature of his shoot. Ben Wright also continued his good recent form with a 111.1 although super centres were very hard to find. Colin Howell and his brother Terry, escaping the atrocious weather on the NSW central coast, had their own personal battle with Terry's vast experience winning out in the end.
               Cock has just returned from the Tasmanian Queens Prize competition where he performed magnificently. Cock won the Llewellyn Match (the lead up event) and finishing 4th in the Queens after winning the Day 2 aggregate with a perfect 200.020. His opponent in the Grand Aggregate shot a remarkable 100.015 on day three to snatch a 6 centre bull's eye win.
               Coghill won the W Cutler Cup and Williams was the runner up. Next week the K Redding Trophy will be shot in conjunction with the forth 700 yard Championship range.

J Coghill TRB 95.06 (9) 100
J Eppleston FSA 109.4 (12) 100
B Wright FSB 111.1 (9 ¼) 100
N Cock TRA 99.09 (3/4) 99 ¾
G P Willis FSA 114.5 (5 ¾) 99 ¾
C Howell FSB 103.2 (12) 99 ¼
G Bright TRA 97.06 (1 ½) 98 ½
S Williams TRA 95.10 (3) 98
G S Willis FSA 111.2 (4 ¾) 96 ½
G Shepherd TRA 87.02 (7 ¼) 94 ¼
T Howell FSA 107.3
D Lavelle TRB 41.02-Rtd

By John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Mar 19, 2017