Weekly Review 19/02/2022

Weekly Review 19/02/2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 12th /19th February 2022 F A Wilde Trophy 300/500 yards.

          Saturday’s competition for the second stage of the F A Wilde Trophy held at 500 yards followed the previous weeks 300 yards first stage for the F A Wilde Trophy. The East to South Easterly breeze provided variable strength and direction during the afternoon keeping scores mostly below average for the 500 yards range.

          Target Rifle shooter Steve Williams handled the conditions best leading with the only possible score of the day which included seven centre bulls to finish two points ahead of Graeme Bright who was set a hard task to catch up. Gordon Shepherd claimed six centre bulls but strayed outside the bull’s eye ring too often finishing another three points away just ahead of Dennis Lavelle and then Charlie Bennett who started his day with a personal best stage that included five centre bulls but failed to keep the pace during his second stage. John Coghill rounded out the Target Rifle shooters.

          Geoff Willis had a slow start in his first stage but put more effort in later to top score the F Class group by two points over Col Howell with Phil Mahon and Auskir Berryman just one point away next after they both had great first stage scores but dropped too many points later. Jeff Eppleston also started off reasonably well but like others couldn’t make up the points later finishing two points ahead of visiting Hunter class shooter James Clarke who grouped his shots closely on the target ahead of Mal Wright tailing the field.

          Next Saturday we will be doing target calibration at 600 yards from about 9:30 am followed by the final round of the F A Wilde Trophy and the 2021 Trophy Presentation.

Geoff Willis

Scores 300yds:
P Mahon 116.7 (4.75) 100,
M Wright 107.4 (11) 100,
D Lavelle 89.4 (12) 100,
R Gibson 88.4 (11.75) 99.75,
S Williams 98.9 (1) 100,
A Berryman 113.5 (4.25) 98.42,
C Howell 115.7 (2.25) 98.08,
N Webster 111.4 (4.25) 96.75,
G Shepherd 90.5 (5.75) 95.75,
J Coghill 81.2 (12) 93,
J Webster 93.

Scores 500 yds: 
A Berryman 113.6 (6) 100,
D Lavelle 90.2 (10.25) 100,
C Bennett 89.5 (12) 100,
S Williams 99.9 (.5) 99.5,
G Shepherd 93.6 (5.5) 98.5,
G S Willis 116.5 (1.75) 98.42,
G Bright 97.8 (1.25) 98.25,
C Howell 114.4 (3.25) 98.25,
J Eppleston 112.4 (4.75) 98.08,
P Mahon 113.7 (3) 97.17,
J Coghill 87.1 (10) 97,
J Clarke 110.5.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 22, 2022