Weekly Review 19/06/2021

Weekly Review 19/06/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 19th June 2021, Diggers & G James Cups 500 Yards.

          The second round of the Diggers & G James Cups was contested on Saturday which is also the first round of the 2022 Club Championships. A mild southerly breeze that continually changed from slightly east to west kept most shooters scores for the easier 500 yards range below their handicap.

          With our current Target Rifle Club Champion Graeme Bright away at the National Championships in Brisbane, Steve Williams had no problem top scoring for the day with an excellent score in the conditions losing just one point on the day. Gordon Shepherd finished a few points further away after a slow start to his second stage with John Coghill not improving until later in the afternoon during the Secretary’s Trophy shoot. Charlie Bennett is slowly having his equipment customised to suit and would have done better if not for a slight error and lesson learned during his first stage.

          Nick Webster seems to have found some golden bullets and continues to top score in F Class with another impressive win to leave the next best scoring shooters of Geoff Willis, Mal Wright and Jeff Eppleston nine points in arrears. Auskir Berryman finished one more point down with Col Howell following further down as he battled with the horizontal spread of shots during his first stage amid the flags wandering side to side.

          Next Saturday will be the third round of the Diggers & G James Cups competition shooting from 600 yards. A round of the Secretary’s Trophy was also contested on Saturday with John Coghill and Mal Wright gaining maximum points towards the trophy.

 by Geoff Willis

N Webster 117.7 (3.5) 100,
S Williams 99.10 (.05) 99.5,
M Wright 108.3 (8) 98,
G shepherd 93.6 (4.25) 97.25,
A Berryman (7.5) 96.67,
G S Willis 108.3 (3.5) 93.5,
C Howell 102.3 (7.75) 92.75,
C Bennett 80.2 (12) 92,
J Eppleston (1.75) 91.75,
J Coghill 84 (7.5) 91.5.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 24, 2021