Weekly Review 19/08/2023

Weekly Review 19/08/2023

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 19th August 2023 700 yards Series 1/10

          Saturdays cold and windy weather saw only a small field of keen shooters compete at 700 yards for the second last round of the First Series of the 2024 season. The westerly breeze varied during the afternoon moving at up to 20kph with just a few steady patches to make good scores difficult to achieve.

          John Coghill was the only Target Rifle shooter to brave the conditions and despite the weather scored above handicap on the day.

          Jeff Eppleston top scored the F Class standard shooters with a good lead over Phil Mahon followed by Graham Willis a couple of points away. Dave Butler finished next on the list as he continues to work on his spare rifle while Col Howell had a day to forget chasing his shots across the target during the gusting conditions. F Open shooter Geoff Willis tried some changes to his loads getting negative results with Mal Wright also having trouble with the gusting wind.

          Next week we are back to 900 yards for the final round of this series.

Geoff Willis

J Eppleston 116.4 (2) 100,
P Mahon 111.5 (9.75) 100,
J Coghill 91.5 (12) 100,
M Wright 104.3 (11.5) 98.17,
G P Willis 109.2 (6.5) 97.33,
G S Willis 110.2 (4) 95.67,
D Butler 101.2 (4) 90.17,
C Howell 91.3 (6.75) 82.58.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 22, 2023