Weekly Review 20/01/2018

Weekly Review 20/01/2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 20th January 2018, R L Gilmour Esq. Cup, 300yards 

             Heat was the primary obstacle shooters had to overcome with the hot dry conditions accompanied by a slight easterly breeze, which together produced a quirky mirage. Nobody mastered the range although several went close. 

             Graeme Bright whose inconsistency has spoiled his recent form, put that behind him with a winning 98.06 toppling the form shooter of recent weeks, Nick Cock, who faltered with two inner fours in a five centre bull’s eye 48.05 second stage. Gordon Shepherd got lost in the middle of his first stage with four inners in a row and Steve Williams scattered his four inners across the stage. Shepherd looked like he had redeemed himself until a wild 8 o’clock magpie three finished off his shoot. Williams, who will be contesting the New Zealand Nationals next month, shot more inners (5), than centre’s (4), in his second stage. 

             The B grade pair of John Coghill and Ron Gibson seemed to strive to see who could shoot the lowest score with Gibson off to the gunsmith to get his trigger looked at and Coghill vowing to check his sight zeros before his next shoot. 

             In F-class the Trans Tasman contenders Jeff Eppleston and Geoff Willis warmed up with steady shoots as they settled on gear and ammunition for their upcoming battle in New Zealand. The Club wishes all travelers well in their endeavours. Grahame Willis wasn’t quite on song to start with but did better with a 57.3 second stage, whilst Ajay Smith battled with a wonky club rifle before borrowing a Willis special for much better results. Colin Howell had a poor second stage 51.0 following on from his good 56.2 first stage. 

             Phillip Mahon has moved to Bathurst from interstate and has joined the Club after a long absence from shooting and Owen Trevillion whose father is a member fronted for his first foray into full bore target shooting with an auspicious debut. Isaac Bower continues his development under the tutelage of his Pop, Geoff Willis, and Luke Harris had his last shoot in Bathurst before he has to return to Sydney for the new school year. 

             The R L Gilmour Esq. Cup and the Club Championship continue next week at 500 yds.



G Bright TRA 98.06 (3 ¾) 100

G Shepherd TRA 93.07 (6 ¾) 99 ¾

J Eppleston FSA 115.11 (4 ¼) 99 ½

G S Willis FSA 113.7 (4 ½) 98

N Cock TRA 97.07 (0) 97

G P Willis FSA 111.6 (5) 96 ¾

C Howell FSB 107.2 (8 ½) 96 ¼

S Williams TRA 91.07 (2 ½) 93 ½

A J Smith FSB 98.1 (10 ½) 90 ½

J Coghill TRB 79.03 (12) 91

R Gibson TRB 77.02 (12) 89

O Trevillion (new) FSB 108.2

L Harris (Hornsby RC) FSB 107.5

I Bower FSB 106.6

P Mahon (new) FSB 106.3  


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 21, 2018