Weekly Review 20/06/2020

Weekly Review 20/06/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 20th June 2020, 500 yards Diggers & G James Cups.

          Saturdays first Championship range of the 2020-21 Championship year and the second of 6 ranges of the Diggers and G James Cups was held in mild conditions, although a little chilly, and with just a whisper of a breeze coming in from the west north west.

          The outstanding performance of the day was turned in by Gordon Shepherd in target rifle who really wound back the clock with a vintage 100.11 possible. Not only was he 3 points clear of the field but almost doubled the centre bullseye count of his nearest competitor.

          And in the F class division Nick Webster started his day with 5 out of 6 super bull’s eyes in a stage of 59.5. Not content with the best F-class score of the day Webster proceeded to snaffle the day’s F class Cock of the Walk (COW) with a second stage 58.2.

          There were some good single stages, Graeme Bright with a 49.01, and a couple of 48’s in target rifle, and Phil Mahon 59.4, and a couple of 58’s in F-class, but most were unable to pull out that superior stage needed to make a meaningful challenge.

          Dennis Lavelle (96.06) had a good consistent shoot, appreciating a day without equipment and ammunition problems, to take the B grade COW from John Coghill and Ron Gibson who both consistently dropped points to finish on 90.02 apiece.

          In A grade target rifle Bright (97.05) fell 3 points short of Shepherd with Steve Williams next on 95.03. This season has produced a plethora of shots on the wrong target and Saturday was no exception but it was more the odd bad shot that brought shooters undone.

          F class was a much tighter competition with Colin Howell stringing together stages of 58.2 and 58.4 to come in 3rd ahead of Jeff Eppleston with a pair of 57.2’s, and Mahon on 110.4.

          Next week sees us move on to the 600-yard mound for another Championship shoot.

by John Coghill

Target Rifle:
G Shepherd 100.13
G Bright 97.05
D Lavelle 96.06
S Williams 95.03
J Coghill 90.02
R Gibson 90.02

N Webster 117.7
C Howell 116.6
J Eppleston 114.4
P Mahon 110.4

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 21, 2020