Weekly Review 21/01/2017

Weekly Review 21/01/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 21 January 2017 R. L. Gilmour Cup, 500yards

             Some normality returned to the scorecards on Saturday with a hot summers' day, swirling mirage and fickle breezes gracing the range. Nick Cock, Jeff Eppleston and Dennis Lavelle took out their relative Cocks' of the Walk with high quality performances. Cock was in fine form with a high centre count 50.07 possible in the first stage but Epplestons' one bad shot, an inner four, produced a 58.4 and Lavelle fiddled with the bull's eye ring to lose three points in his 47.03.
             It was a much more competitive field of shooters this week with John Coghill and Steve Williams posting 48.02's and Graeme Bright and Gordon Shepherd picking up inner fours by the pair for 46.01 apiece.  In F-class Colin Howell gave the higher ranked Willis brothers the slip with a 57.3 but Geoff Willis was a little wayward throughout his shoot with a wobbly 55.4 and Grahame Willis was all over the place with a lowly 52.0.
             The second stage produced some good performances with two more possibles achieved. Lavelle with his newfound confidence courtesy of the new peep sight shot a brilliant 50.05 and Grahame Willis, out of nowhere, shot an equally fine 60.5. Cock wound himself out of the bull's eye in a 49.05 stage and Bright who couldn't find the centre bull's eye ring all day finally found one in his 49.01. Williams and Shepherd again found the bull's eye a little elusive, 47's their best efforts, but Coghill having his best shoot for many months went astray when a shot went missing (probably on the wrong target), completely spoiling his day.
             Eppleston missed the possible by a whisper and for Geoff Willis it was either super bull's eyes or bull's eye fives as he ignored the centre bull six to tally 57.7. Howell had a bad patch getting out of sync with the breeze but wasn't deterred as he matched his fellow competitors.
             The news highlight of the day was the announcement of Epplestons' selection in the Australian F-class team to contest the F-class World Championships in Canada in August this year. Geoff Willis will accompany the team as a coach.
             Next week the Club Championship continues and the Gilmour Cup concludes at 600 yards.

D Lavelle TRB 97.08 (5 ¼) 100
C Howell FSB 112.6 (12) 100
J Coghill TRB 91.05 (12) 100
J Eppleston FSA 117.10 (4 ¼) 100
N Cock TRA 99.12 (1) 100
G S Willis FSA 112.11 (5 ½) 98
G Shepherd TRA 93.03 (5) 98
S Williams TRA 95.06 (2 ½) 97 ½
G Bright TRA 95.02 (2 ¼) 97 ¼
G P Willis FSA 112.6 (4 ¼) 97

by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 22, 2017