Weekly Review 21/07/2018

Weekly Review 21/07/2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 21st July 2018, J Sibera Trophy, 300yards

             The District Rifle Association’s weekend in Sydney saw another triumph for Bathurst shooters with the highlights being Geoff Willis’s State Champion of Champions victory and the Blue Mountains DRA winning the State DRA title with 4 of the five man team being from the Bathurst Rifle Club. Brett Bond from Perthville, who shoots with Lithgow SARC, was the fifth

            To add to the glory, Country, with two Bathurst RC members in the team won the City v Country match. The latest to join the winners list are Colin Howell and Ben Wright who represented Country, adding to the list of BRC members who have been successful in International, National and State events in 2018.

            From the local front Saturdays J Sibera Trophy went ahead in mild conditions with bright sun and a moderate (cold) breeze. The wind swung throughout the day between a soft southerly and a brisk south westerly but was never more than 2 to 3 windage points, or about 8 inch deviation.

            The target rifle group seemed to handle the conditions best and took out the first 4 places on handicap with Gordon Shepherd producing the best performance including the only possible, a 50.06, negating his need for a new barrel.

            Graeme Bright and Steve Williams were outclassed by Shepherd whilst John Coghill, or an imposter fell back in love with target rifle after a disastrous foray with rests and other shooting paraphernalia. Ron Gibson’s return from world touring was evident with a very rusty performance.

            In F class Geoff Willis, Colin Howell and Jeff Eppleston left their form in Sydney whilst Phil Mahon retired with ammunition problems. The sun brought out 3 visitors to try their wares behind a long rifle with good results as Tyson Smith, Wayne Gray and Hayden Hodges all experienced the club’s 0.223 scoped rifle.

            The Cock’s of the Walk were G Shepherd (Target A). J Coghill (Target B) and G S Willis (F Class)  Saturday the 28th will be the last 500 yard range of the 2017/18 Championship and a continuation of the J Sibera Trophy   


G Shepherd TRA 98.11 (4 ½) 100
J Coghill TRB 91.04 (12) 100
R Gibson TRB 87.05 (12) 99
S Williams TRA 94.07 (4 ¼) 98 ¼
C Howell FSB 112.7 (5) 97 ¾
G Bright TRA 94.04 (2 ½) 96 ½
J Eppleston 111.3 (4) 95 ¾
G S Willis FSA 113.7 (1 ¼) 95 ¼
T Smith FSB 102.3
W Gray FSB 101.1
H Hodges FSB 99.4
P Mahon FSB 51.2-31.1 Retd

by John Coghill

All scores/plots can be found Here.     

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 22, 2018