Weekly Review 22/02/2020

Weekly Review 22/02/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 22nd February 2020, 800 & 900yds. J Wilde Memorial Trophy & K Redding Trophy

                With the need to shoot two rounds of competition on the one day club members had an early start Saturday morning for the second round of the J Wilde Memorial Trophy and the first round of the K Redding Trophy with the last round of each to be held at 900 yards after a break for lunch. Good cloud cover made for a pleasant day out and the sometimes steady south to south easterly breeze allowed most shooters the opportunity to score well throughout the day with the occasional swing from the south to catch those not watching the conditions.

                At 800 yards better wind conditions in the morning suited TR shooter Graeme Bright as he fired his two ten shot stages without missing the bull’s eye ring and scoring eight centre bulls to take the lead. Steve Williams and Gordon Shepherd both dropped one point each stage to finish only two points behind the lead with Ron Gibson a further three points down for the morning after a slow start to his first stage.

                Top honours of the F Class shooters went to Jeff Eppleston at 800 yards where most shooters lost more points in their first stage. Graham Willis and Col Howell finished one point further down each scoring eight super centres. Next was Phil Mahon just two points away scoring six super centres ahead of Nick Webster a further two points down. Geoff Willis had a good start with his first stage but managed two shots on the wrong target in his second stage losing twelve points to go from leader to ten points behind the leader.

                Back to 900 yards after lunch and the scores had moderated somewhat from the morning although TR shooter Ron Gibson had little trouble leading the way only dropping one point in his first stage to finish three points down with six centre bulls. Steve Williams shot consistently to be one point behind and two points ahead of fast finishing Gordon Shepherd and Graeme Bright who found a rough patch late in the day.

                The consistent scoring of Graham Willis kept him on top in F Class to finish one point ahead of Jeff Eppleston who along with most, had a slow start in the first stage, but managed to get all shots in the six ring in his second stage. Next was Geoff Willis finishing four points further down and four points in front of Col Howell who had a bad start and finish to his second stage. Nick Webster finished next ahead of Phil Mahon who had trouble hitting the centre in his first stage after the lunch break.

                The J Wilde Memorial Trophy was won by Jeff Eppleston with Steve Williams runner up and The K Redding Trophy was won by Gordon Shepherd with Jeff Eppleston runner up. We have two week’s break now with the next shoot on the 7th march at 300 yards for the start of the W Cutler Cup competition.

                                                                                                                                                    by Geoff Willis

Scores 800 yds:

G Bright 100.8 (1) 100,
G Shepherd 98.5 (3.75)100,
J Eppleston 115.4 (4.75) 100,
R Gibson 95.5 (10.25) 100,
N Webster 110.4 (8.5) 100,
S Williams 98.8 (1.5) 99.5,
C Howell 114.8 (4.5) 99.5,
P Mahon 112.6 (5.5) 98.83,
G P Willis 114.8 (2.5) 97.5,
G S Willis105.4 (8) 95.5.

Scores 900 yds:

R Gibson 97.6 (6.5) 100,
G P Willis 116.7 (5.5) 100,
J Eppleston 115.4 (6) 100,
G Shepherd 94.6 (7.5) 100,
S Williams 96.8 (3) 99.8,
N Webster 105.3 (12) 99.5,
G S Willis 111.7 (5.5) 98,
C Howell 107.3 (8.75) 97.92,
G Bright 94.5 (3) 97.5,
P Mahon 101.1 (12) 96.17.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Feb 24, 2020