Weekly Review 22/04/2023

Weekly Review 22/04/2023

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 22nd April 2023 J Sibera Trophy 600 yards.

          Saturday’s final round of the J Sibera Trophy competition from 600 yards was held in similar conditions to the previous week although the south easterly breeze proved more difficult at times for most shooters.

          Target Rifle shooter Gordon Shepherd top scored on the day keeping a few points ahead of John Coghill for each stage score while Dennis Lavelle retired with just a few shots left to complete his second stage. Sporter class shooter James Clarke accounted for new shooter Darren Johnson who stretched the capabilities of his lighter bullets to the limit.

          F Class shooter Dave Butler has shown improved and consistent shooting over recent weeks with his results on Saturday showing the more experienced shooters how to do it winning the top spot for the day while gaining his first possible score to finish his second stage with Jeff Eppleston finishing just behind losing one point during his second stage. Col Howell was next just a few super centres ahead of Graham Willis with Geoff Willis another point away. Nick Webster then followed just in front of Phil Mahon by a couple of super centres with Gary Cafe next ahead of Mal Wright.

          The J Sibera Trophy was won by Dave Butler (300) with runner up John Coghill (297). Next week is the start of the W & J Brown Shield from 700 yards.

 Geoff Willis

D Butler b117.6 (7.5) 100,
J Eppleston 116.9 (2) 98.67,
C Howell 112.9 (4.25) 97.58,
J Coghill 85.3 (12) 97,
P Mahon 107.1 (7.25) 96.42,
N Webster 107.3 (6.75) 95.92,
M Wright 103.3 (10) 95.83,
J Clarke 92.6 (3.75) 95.75,
G Shepherd 91.3 (4.75) 95.75,
G P Willis 112.6 (2.25) 95.58,
G S Willis 111.3 (3) 95.5,
G Cafe 105.5 (8) 95.5,
D Johnson 83.4 (5) 88,
D Lavelle 43.2 Rtd.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 25, 2023