Weekly Review 23/04/2022

Weekly Review 23/04/2022

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 23rd April 2022 J Sibera Trophy 600 yards.

          The final round of the J Sibera Trophy held over three weekends was contested on Saturday at 600 yards with a good attendance of shooters including new members and visitors. The light south easterly breeze and accompanying mirage varied throughout the afternoon mostly giving some degree of difficulty, although at times dropping off to almost nothing with the cloud cover then providing a good sight picture helping some shooters to boost their scores.

          Target Rifle shooter Graeme Bright led the way with his first stage score and held on later to top score for the day with a two point margin over Gordon Shepherd and John Coghill who had a great day with consistent scoring during both stages. Dennis Lavelle finished a further two points down for the day after a string of inner fours in the first stage with Charlie Bennett continuing to hone his skills with consistent scoring.

          F Class shooter Col Howell gained the Cock of the Walk honours for the day again to lead by one point over Jeff Eppleston with Graham Willis finishing another point behind along with new shooter David Butler scoring well. Mal Wright finished next just one more point down with Geoff Willis a further two points away after a few wide shots during his first stage. New shooter George Nassif followed three points in front of Ben Wright whose grouping on target was not as tight as usual. Visiting shooter Luke Harris came along for the day but also didn’t manage to group quite as well as previously.

          Winner of the J Sibera Trophy is Gordon Shepherd (295.75) with runner up Dennis Lavelle (294). Next week will be the first round of the W & J Brown Trophy from 700 yards.

Geoff Willis

J Coghill 95.5 (6.25) 100,
D Lavelle 93.4 (9.75) 100,
M Wright 111.4 (12) 100,
C Bennett 90.6 (12) 100,
J Eppleston 113.3 (5.75) 99.92,
G Bright 97.8 (2.5) 99.5,
C Howell 114.5 (4.5) 99.5,
G Shepherd 95.7 (4.25) 99.5,
G P Willis 112.7 (3.75) 97.08,
G S Willis 109.6 (5.75) 96.58,
B Wright 103.1 (6.5) 92.33,
D Butler 112.7,
G Nassif 105.1,
L Harris 102.0.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Apr 26, 2022