Weekly Review 23/10/2021

Weekly Review 23/10/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 23rd October 2021, J Wilde Memorial & K Redding Trophies 900 yards.

          After the previous weeks practise round at 600 yards the Bathurst Rifle Club resumed their shooting program at 800 yards on Saturday morning before moving to 900 yards after lunch. Unfortunately due to some technical problems with the scoring during the morning the 800 yard scores could not be included for the day’s competition. The wind conditions after lunch had changed considerably from a slightly switching mirage in the morning to a mostly north to north-westerly breeze that lifted to approximately 14 kph at times then easing right back to almost nothing on occasion to slightly increase the difficulty at the longer range.

          Of the Target Rifle shooters Graeme Bright managed the best losing just one point at each 900 yard stage to stay three points clear of Gordon Shepherd with Steve Williams another two points in arrears with all but the leader claiming at least one magpie three during the afternoon. Ron Gibson followed next ahead of Charlie Bennett with John Coghill tailing the field.

          F Class shooters scored more consistently with Geoff Willis narrowly leading the field by one point over Graham Willis with Mal Wright just one point further down for the afternoon. Nick Webster started a bit slower after lunch to finish two points away next ahead of Jeff Eppleston and Phil Mahon who both lost extra points to the inner four ring a couple of times.

          Winner of the Gilmour Cup was Ron Gibson (200) with runner up Dennis Lavelle (199.75), the J Wilde Memorial Trophy was won by Graeme Bright (100) with runner up Mal Wright (100), and the K Redding Trophy was won by Graeme Bright (150) with runner up Gordon Shepherd (150). Notice of our next event will be posted when that information becomes available.

by Geoff Willis

G Bright 98.7 (1.25) 100,
M Wright 111.5 (8) 100,
R Gibson 89.2 (12) 100,
P Mahon 106.1 (12) 100,
G Shepherd 95.4 (4.75) 99.75,
S Williams 95.4 (4.75) 97.75,
G S Willis 113.4 (3) 97.17,
G P Willis 112.6 (3.25) 96.58,
N Webster 109.2 (5.5) 95.5,
J Eppleston 107.3 (3.25) 92.42,
C Bennett 79 (12) 91,
J Coghill 70.2 (12) 82.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Oct 25, 2021