Weekly Review 23/12/2017

Weekly Review 23/12/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 23 December 2017, Diggers and G James Cups, 600yards 

             Another hot humid day, but this time mixed with a very confusing breeze which caused the directional flags to point rigidly then flop about the poles at various times through the day. Early shooters had a strong breeze to contend with coming in from the north west and varying in intensity but variation became the byword as direction and strength changed greatly through the rest if the day even to the point of swinging around from the east for a brief time.

             Apart from Nick Cock, nobody looked like achieving the possible in the first stage as points were lost from the earliest shots as shooters stumbled into the difficult conditions. As evidence of the difficulty there was a dearth of centre bull’s eyes in target rifle but Grahame Willis made a mockery of that by amassing 8 super centres, only one short of the combined F class total. 

             Cock had two blemishes in his second stage but still managed to win comfortably from Graeme Bright who finished with a day high stage of 49.03, his first stage 46.02 bringing about his undoing. Gordon Shepherd and John Coghill both had moderate first stages but whilst Shepherd went on with the task Coghill fell by the wayside as two magpie threes brought about his demise. Ron Gibson had a day to forget as nothing went right neither the weather, the ammunition nor the shooter as it did for Colin Howell in F class; just one of those days! 

              In F class as previously mentioned Grahame Willis certainly knew where the super centre was but missed the second ring on one too many occasions to fall just one point shy of the Cock of the Walk. Willis’ brother Geoff couldn’t match the super centre tally but held a tighter group to pip both Grahame and Jeff Eppleston. Luke Harris visiting from Hornsby RC for his usual holiday appearance was suitably impressed with the new e-targets. Eppleston and Geoff Willis are heading off in early January with the Australian F Class Team to take part in the Trans Tasman F Class Championships in Wellington New Zealand. 

              The Diggers and James Cups were a triumph for Nick Cock who won both the Diggers Cup (TR off rifle) and the George James Cup (open handicap). Geoff won the F class equivalent of the Diggers Cup.

              The next shoot is the one day W Northcott Memorial Trophy over 700 yards, also a Championship range on 30th December.



J Coghill TRB 89.03 (12) 100

G P Willis FSA 113.8 (6 ¼) 99 ¾

G Shepherd TRA 94.03 (5 ½) 99 ½

N Cock TRA 97.05 (1) 98

J Eppleston FSA 112.3 (5) 97 ½

G Bright TRA 95.05 (2) 97

G S Willis FSA 114.3 92 ½) 97

C Howell FSB 99.3 (12) 92 ½

R Gibson TRB 73.01 (12) 85

L Harris FSB 81.0


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 24, 2017