Weekly Review 26/06/2021

Weekly Review 26/06/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 26th June 2021, Diggers & G James Cups 600 Yards.

          The third round of the Diggers & G James Cups was contested on Saturday at 600 yards with a strong and mostly steady westerly breeze that occasionally swung from the south west to give some degree of difficulty at times.

          Several Target Rifle shooters managed a possible for one of their stages but Steve Williams was the only one to gain a double for the day including thirteen centre bulls followed by Graeme Bright and Gordon Shepherd both finishing two points behind with Graeme having a one centre bull advantage. Charlie Bennett continues to improve with practice and held the rifle well scoring his best stage to date for his first stage score with John Coghill holding reasonably well for most of his first stage but could not regain that during his second.

          The F Class shooters had more difficulty overall with Geoff Willis holding on to the lead for the day scoring steadily in both stages after Col Howell set an early top stage score dropping only one point with some tight grouping of shots gaining seven super centres but lost too many points to the conditions later in the day. Mal Wright held reasonably well on target but some inconsistent velocities helped drag his scores down in both stages.

          Next Saturday shooting moves back to 300 yards for the fourth round of the Diggers & G James Cups.

          The Bathurst Rifle Club is thankful for the success of a recent application for funding made available through member Paul Toole’s office allowing the start of work on the planned resurfacing of up to six shooting points.

          The Bathurst Rifle Club would also like to give a big thank you to Kevin at Best Western Petroleum for the use of an excavator to assist in the work carried out, also a big thank you to new club member Peter Bennett who facilitated the use and operated the machinery. Peter sponsors his son Charlie who is also a very keen new member bringing him to the range each week and watching his progress via his tablet screen as he shoots each stage on the electronic targets. Many club members led by Phil Mahon also using his tractor and Graham Willis have also given time where possible assisting with the work. The 700 yards and 800 yards shooting points are now greatly improved with the 900 yards to be completed soon.

by Geoff Willis

S Williams 100.13 (0.75) 100,
G Shepherd 98.6 (2.250 100,
C Bennett 87.3 (12) 99,
C Howell 112.9 (5.5) 98.83,
G Bright 98.7 (0.75) 98.75,
G S Willis 115.7 (2.75) 98.58,
J Coghill 84.2 (11.5) 95.5,
M Wright 100.1 (6.25) 89.58.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 30, 2021