Weekly Review 26/08/2017

Weekly Review 26/08/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 26th August 2017. W & J Brown Consolation Trophy. 600yards.
        Our World Cup duo returned from Canada with stories of shooting alongside different nationalities and the new experience of Bisley style competition. Shooting alternately relies on the competitor next to you maintaining a steady rhythm but when things go wrong and you can't converse, chaos reigns. A gold medal in the Canadian Nationals and a Silver medal in the World Championship was a great effort against some of the best marksmen/women in the world. Jeff Eppleston and Geoff Willis are to be congratulated for their fine performances.

        The final trophy for the 2017 season was decided on Saturday with conditions similar to last weeks, including the deadly breeze sweeping over the ridge at Sulman Park. Coming in from the south-west the conditions were as equally perplexing and produced the same results, the only difference being the shorter 600 yard range.
        Gordon Shepherd bounced back from last weeks' magpie/outer performance to put in a steady shoot and take out the Cock of the Walk by four points from Graeme Bright who dallied with the magpies in his first stage.
        B grade was a lot tighter with John Coghills' day destroyed with sticking cases as Dennis Lavelle and Ron Gibson had a close tussle. Lavelle led by a point after the first stage but a couple of magpie threes in his second stage left him vulnerable. Gibson dropped three points in his last two shots to lose out by two centre bulls eyes.
        In F class Eppleston was the best with 113.8 and Geoff Willis on 111.3 with Grahame Willis and Colin Howell both on 108. Aaron (AJ) Smith was coached to a 103.2 in another solid performance.

        Eppleston won the W & J Brown Consolation Trophy narrowly from Colin Howell.
        Black powder shooters Shayne Barnsley, Peter Burgess and Kelvin Moss tempted fate with the conditions and Barnsley again showed he is gaining some understanding of the range with a solid 56/100, whilst Burgess had to abort his shoot when he experienced breech fouling.
        Due to the lack of a suitable range in his area Anthony Hatfield visited from Orange to try out a 1901 vintage .303 Lee Enfield he is restoring.

        Next week is a 600 yard Championship and the final shoot before the race shutdown.

R Gibson TRB 90.04 (11 ½) 100
J Coghill TRB 88.05 (11 ½) 99 ½
J Eppleston FSA 113.8 (5 ¾) 99
C Howell FSB 108.6 (10 ½) 98 ¾
G Shepherd TRA 95.03 (3 ¾) 98 ¾
D Lavelle TRB 90.06 (8 ¾) 98 ¾
G P Willis FSA 108.4 (9 ½) 98
G S Willis FSA 111.3 (4 ½) 96 ¼
A J Smith FSB 103.2 (10 ¼) 94 ½
G Bright TRA 91.05 (2 ¾) 93 ¾
A Hatfield:
Black Powder; 
S Barnsley 24.0-32.56/100

by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 27, 2017