Weekly Review 27/01/2018

Weekly Review 27/01/2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 27th January 2018, R L Gilmour Esq. Cup, 500yards

             A bare quorum of shooters turned up for the R L Gilmour Esq. Cup with the Trans Tasman F class Teams Championships and the New Zealand National Championships occurring in Wellington, New Zealand. The Festival of Sydney also contributed to the drain of the top shooters from local competition. Added to the above, hot stormy weather almost brought an end to the days’ shoot before it started. 

             The morning was fine and mild, but as it will, as soon as the rifles appeared on the mound a brisk south westerly wind sprang up gusting and swirling around the mounds of the SSAA butt stops. 

             With such a small attendance the shoot was over quickly and just as well as the threatened rain arrived just as the last target was stored away. Owen Trevillion, at only his second open full bore shoot, kept a reasonable group but it wasn’t until Grahame Willis hit the mound that Trevillions’ shoot was put into perspective. The wind was quite strong and unpredictable and Trevillions’ effort was just four points behind the experienced Willis with a super bull’s eye advantage.

             John Coghill was the only target rifle shooter and found the going tough as his traditional magpie count continued to grow. An improved second stage almost went magpie free but the inevitable occurred with a gust of wind blowing him out of the inner rings.

             Trevillions’ second stage was a battle against the increasingly gusty wind as the gusts pushed his shots from side to side. Along with the five inner fours he shot two centre bulls eye sixes and three super centres. It wasn’t however enough the cause a boil over as Willis scrambled a 54.5 second stage against not only the weather but a recalcitrant electronic target which added ghosts shots and then refused to recognize that all of his counting shots were not sighters. 

             The R L Gilmour Esq. Cup concludes and the Club Championship continues on the 10th of February at 600 yards. Next week is a shutdown for the 12 hour motor race.                



J Coghill TRB 85.01 (12) 97

G P Willis FSA 109.5 (6) 95 ¾

O Trevillion FSB 101.4    


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jan 28, 2018