Weekly Review 27/06/2020

Weekly Review 27/06/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 27th June 2020, 600 yards Diggers & G James Cups.

          A fine but cool day with a rear fishtail breeze greeted shooters for the first 600-yard range of the Club Championship and Diggers and G James Cups. There did not appear to be much in the conditions although there were some flutters in the breeze, but for the most part scores were quite good.

            Geoff Willis was the only one able to take full advantage with a 60.4 possible to set up a 3-point break from the rest of his F-class opponents. Col Howell 57.3 and Phil Mahon 57.1 were his nearest competitors while Jeff Eppleston 55.0 and Nick Webster 54.1 completed the balance of the field.

            Target rifle was a different proposition with no one able to go clear. The highest first stage scores were posted by Graeme Bright 48.06 and Steve Williams 48.05, then a gap to Dennis Lavelle 44.04 and John Coghill who seems to have picked up the dubious habit of shooting the wrong target. His 41.0 was however better than Ron Gibson 37.0 who encountered a foreign body in his rear sight obscuring his vision   

            The second stage produced better scores in F-class. Howell slotted the second possible of the day a 60.4 giving him an aggregate of 117.7/120, but his effort was nullified when Willis clinched the F-class Cock of the Walk (CoW) with a 59.3 for an aggregate of 119.7. Mahon 113.4 and Eppleston 113.1 were just ahead of Webster 112.4 who couldn’t replicate last weeks’ heroics.

            In target rifle the A graders put on an exhibition but despite a welter of centre bull’s-eyes could not shoot a clear stage. Williams lead off with a 49.04 to take the lead but Bright refused to surrender his centre bull’s eye advantage and confirmed his CoW win with a 49.06 for a 3 centre bull’s eye aggregate win.

            Shepherd after a scratchy first stage got back to last weeks form with a 49.04 for third placing ahead of B-grader Lavelle 46.03 who took out the B-grade CoW. Gibson 48.04 was finally able to see clearly after removing whatever bug was in his sight, relegating Coghill 44.02 who lost his eyeballs in the suspect light, to last.  

            Next week we move back to the 300-yard mound for the start of the second round of the Diggers and G James Cups.

by John Coghill

Target Rifle:                                                  
S Williams 97.09 (2.25) 99.25
G Bright 97.12 (2) 99
G Shepherd 95.07 (4) 99
D Lavelle 90.07 (6.75) 96.75
J Coghill 85.02 (10.25) 95.25
R Gibson  85.04 (9.25) 94.25

G S Willis 119.7 (5.25) 100
P Mahon 113.4 (6.25) 100
N Webster 112.1 (9.25) 100
C Howell 117.7 (1.75) 99.25
J Eppleston 113.1 (4) 98.17

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 28, 2020