Weekly Review 28/12/2019

Weekly Review 28/12/2019

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 28th December 2019. 700yds. K Harvey Trophy & W Northcott Memorial Trophy.

                After extreme conditions led to the cancelled previous weeks shoot some adventurous shooters returned to the 700 yard line on Saturday. The heat was severe but the wind had eased considerably in strength although still very difficult to manage with subtle and unpredictable changes having elevation and wind effect on most shooters scores.

                Most Target Rifle shooters had a similar level of difficulty during the afternoon but Steve Williams broke the trend to finish three points ahead of Graham Bright and Gordon Shepherd who both lost a total ten points each for the day with Bright having a one centre bull advantage. Dennis Lavelle had a poor start to the afternoons shooting to finish another four points behind although he managed the highest centre bull count.

                The F Class group fared a little worse overall with the standout again being Col Howell who after a great second stage result had only dropped eight points. Next came Jeff Eppleston, finishing another eight points down due to a problem on his last shot, but still leading Geoff Willis by one super centre after Willis could not find the six ring during his first stage. Visiting shooter Luke Harris did very well for the day shooting his rifle over a bipod and finished only three points further down.

                Due to the abandoned 600 yards the previous week the Diggers Cup was completed with the Target Rifle winner being Graeme Bright with runner up Hayden Booth, the Diggers Medal F Class winner was Col Howell with runner up Geoff Willis. The G James Cup was also won by Col Howell and runner up Hayden Booth. Last Saturday’s 700 yards competition for the W Northcott Memorial Trophy was also won by Col Howell with runner up Steve Williams.

                Next week’s 800 yards competition is for the N Rutherford Memorial Trophy and the fourth round of the K Harvey Trophy.

                                                                                                                                                     by Geoff Willis

C Howell 112.6 (10.25) 100,
S Williams 93.5 (6.75) 99.75,
J Eppleston 104.3 (12) 98.67,
G Shepherd 90.4 (8.5) 98.5,
D Lavelle 86.6 (12) 98,
G S Willis 104.2 (11) 97.67,
G Bright 93.5 (3.75) 93.75,
Visitor: L Harris 101.3.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Dec 30, 2019