Weekly Review 29/05/2021

Weekly Review 29/05/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 29th May 2021, W & J Brown Consolation Trophy 600 Yards.

          Saturday 29th May saw the final shoot on the club 2021 shooting program with competition for the W & J Brown Consolation Trophy at 600 yards. The variable south westerly breeze gave little opportunity to get a string of shots away in the same condition with most shooters appearing to have difficulty.

          Graeme Bright did best of the Target Rifle shooters again top scoring for the day with three points advantage over Gordon Shepherd with John Coghill one point further down and Ron Gibson tailing the field. All shooters started with their best stage for the day but John Coghill surprised all scoring a possible that included five centre bulls setting a benchmark for the day.

          F Class was dominated by Geoff and Graham Willis with Geoff scoring one extra point during his second stage to give him the lead with Jeff Eppleston not enjoying the swirling winds to finish another six points down for the afternoon followed by Nick Webster who was the only other shooter to break the hundred mark with any authority. Auskir Berryman did well to finish next down one point in front of Phil Mahon with Mal Wright and Col Howell trailing by another point although Mal managed to score in the super centre four times and if not for an equipment malfunction may have done much better.

          The W & J Brown Consolation Trophy winner is Ron Gibson with runner up Auskir Berryman. The Treasurers Trophy has also been completed now with the winner Geoff Willis (593.84) and runner up Graeme Bright (592.52). 

          Next week will be a 600 yards practice shoot with the 2022 shooting year competitions to start the following week at 300 yards.

by Geoff Willis

G S Willis 116.5 (3.5) 100,
G P Willis 115.5 (5) 100,
J Coghill 91.6 (8.5) 99.5,
G Shepherd 92.2 (6.25) 98.25,
G Bright 95.5 (2) 97,
R Gibson 84.4 (12) 96,
A Berryman 100.2 (10.25) 93.58,
J Eppleston 109.3 (2) 92.83,
N Webster 105.1 (7.75) 92.75,
P Mahon 99.1 (9.75) 92.25,
M Wright 98.4 (9.5) 91.17,
C Howell 98.1 (6.75) 88.42.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on May 31, 2021