Weekly Review 29/07/2017

Weekly Review 29/07/2017

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 29th July 2017, J Sibera Trophy, 600yards

             Jeff Eppleston and Geoff Willis had their last hit out before they depart with the Australian F-Class team to compete in the ICFRA F-Class World Championships and the Canadian National Championships beginning on 8th August at the Connaught Range in Ottawa, Canada.

             Eppleston as a competitor and Willis as a Coach will represent Australia at the Championships. Both shooters have won selection after an exhaustive selection process and their excellent performances in State Championships over the past three years. The Bathurst Rifle Club wishes them well as they carry on the strong tradition of BRC members representing both NSW and Australia, here and abroad.

             A good rollout of shooters sent the pair off with plenty of competition in the local trophy shoot. Willis topped the day with a 116.4, followed by Eppleston 112.4, Colin Howell 111.7 and Grahame Willis 106.4. Aaron (AJ) Smith celebrated his joining the club with another good showing of 109.4.

             Steve Pellin who is known for disciplines other than F class did not have a happy day on the mound barely keeping his shot on the target and Darren Crimston swapped to a scoped F-class rifle because of a hand injury. He still managed the highest stage of the day before retiring.

             In the Target Rifle group Graeme Bright continued his resurgence with a big win over Nick Cock who has been taking all before him in recent weeks. Bright has been working very hard on all aspects of his shooting and that hard work is finally showing dividends. In B grade John Coghill, despite fluffing his second stage, held on to defeat Dennis Lavelle. Apart from Bright, scores in target rifle were a little disappointing considering the conditions were less than challenging with just a light rear fishtail breeze attending the range.

             Shayne Barnsleys’ preparation for the Black Powder World Champ is progressing slowly with a drop off in his scores as the distance increases, and at the end of each stage.


             Coghill won the J Sibera Trophy from Shepherd by 2 ¼ points. The W & J Brown Shield and the second 700 yard range of the Club Championship commence next week.            



G Bright TRA 99.11 (2 ¾) 100

J Coghill TRB 90.05 (12) 100

G S Willis FSA 116.4 (3 ½) 99 ½

C Howell FSB 111.7 (5 ¾) 99 ¼

J Eppleston FSA 112.4 (6 ¾) 99 ¼

G Shepherd TRA 94.07 (5) 99

N Cock TRA 97.07 (3/4) 97 ¾

D Lavelle TRB 89.04 (8 ¼) 97 ¼

R Gibson TRB 84.01 (11 ¾) 95 ¾

G P Willis FSA 106.4 (8 ½) 95 ½

A J Smith FSB 109.4

S Pellin FSB 66.0

D Crimston FSB 58.3- Rtd      


Black Powder: 

Shayne Barnsley 26.0-31.1 / 100 


by John Coghill

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 30, 2017