Weekly Review 29/08/2020

Weekly Review 29/08/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 29th August 2020, Gilmour Cup 600 yards.

          Saturday saw the final round of the Gilmour Cup at 600 yards in warm winter sunshine with just a light westerly breeze that picked up and eased during the afternoon just enough to keep shooters watching the mirage movement carefully at times trying to beat the changes.

          In the Target Rifle class Graeme Bright and Steve Williams had a close contest with Graeme just gaining top spot for the day on a second stage countback with Gordon Shepherd staying with them both until dropping an extra point with his last shot. The next three shooters were led by John Coghill with Ron Gibson just behind, then followed by Dennis Lavelle a few more points down after a bad start in his first stage with all appearing to have trouble holding a tight group although Dennis improved for most of his second stage with just a couple of wide shots holding his score back.

          F Class shooters were again led by Jeff Eppleston with a one point lead over Col Howell who lost a few points late in his first stage to hold him back. Geoff Willis had more vertical dispersion of shots than he liked and just held on to next spot by a couple of super centres over Phil Mahon who lost points to the conditions in his first stage. New club member Auskir Berryman lost a few extra points to the breeze during his second stage but continues to improve his equipment and learn the skills of long range shooting.

          The historic Gilmour Cup was won by Graeme Bright (297.75) with runner up Jeff Eppleston (297). The club also contested a third stage of shooting on the day for another round of the Treasurers Trophy. This will be contested as a third stage each day where possible at 500, 600 and 700 yards range days. Next week will be the start of competition for the J Wilde Memorial trophy which is contested over 700, 800 and 900 yards.

Gilmour Cup 600 yds Scores:
J Coghill 88.1 (12) 100,
G Shepherd 96.8 (3.5) 99.5,
S Williams 97.6 (2) 99,
J Eppleston 115.7 (2.75) 98.58,
G Bright 97.6 (1.5) 98.5,
R Gibson 86.2 (12) 98,
C Howell 114.5 (2.5) 97.5,
P Mahon 110.3 (5.5) 97.17,
G S Willis 110.5 (3.5) 95.17,
D Lavelle 83.1 (11.25) 94.25,
A Berryman 95.3(12) 91.17.

Treasurers Scores:
P Mahon 57.6 (2.75) 50,
A Berryman 55.3 (6) 50,
G S Willis 57.2 (1.75) 49.42,
G Bright 48.3 (0.75) 48.75,
G Shepherd 47.1 (1.75) 48.75,
S Williams 47.6 (1) 48,
J Eppleston 54.0 (1.38) 46.38.

by Geoff Willis

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Aug 31, 2020