Weekly Review 29/10/2016

Weekly Review 29/10/2016

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc 29th October 2016 Diggers and G James Cups, 300yards

            Just weeks ago the Bathurst Rifle Range was the last place where one would want to sun bake with strong winds and freezing conditions battering shooters. But Saturdays' weather made up for all those cold rough days on the mound. A gentle northerly fishtail breeze took a little of the heat from the day but provided a testing set of conditions for shooters on the first range of the new season.

           The 300 yard range has become unfashionable due to the increased accuracy of the equipment and the new found need to shoot over much longer ranges, sometimes out to 1500 metres. So with just a few quirks in the conditions the centre of the target becomes less vulnerable and the scores are held in check. This is exactly what happened on Saturday with the fishtail breeze flicking from side to side and the strength varying. The mirage reacted accordingly and the result was a pleasant days' activity on the mound.

           Reigning Club Champion, Graeme Bright, had a strong start to the season with a double possible and showed he will be a big contender to repeat last years' win. Bright shot 100.07 to run out an easy A grade Cock of the Walk winner over Nick Cock on 96.08 and Gordon Shepherd on 96.05. Steve Williams was a point further back on 95.04.

           Cock has been experimenting with front sights and has not settled on a final choice whilst Shepherd and Williams just looked rusty. John Coghill was totally unprepared for the shoot leaving half his gear at home and Dennis Lavelle used light weight projectiles which didn't handle the conditions.

           The F class competitors showed their liking for the short distances with Jeff Eppleston shooting 116.5/120 including a 59.2/60 stage. Grahame Willis shot a moderate 113.5 whilst Ben Wright fresh from a B grade win at the Bathurst OPM last Sunday shot a 113.4 including a 59.4/ 60 second stage. Colin Howell launched out on his own, discarded the coach, and used his own newly acquired equipment.

           Next week is a wipeout with a music festival taking over the range. The next appointment on the mound is the 500 yard range of the Diggers and G James Cups on 12th November.

G Bright TRA 100.07 (1) 100
B Wright FSB 113.4 (10) 100
G Shepherd TRA 96.05 (3 ¼) 99 ¼
J Eppleston FSA 116.5 (1 ½) 98
G P Willis FSA 113.5 (4 ¼) 97 ¾
S Williams TRA 95.04 (2 ½) 97 ½
C Howell FSB 104.3 (12) 96 ¾
N Cock TRA 96.08 (1/2) 96 ½
J Coghill TRB 87.0 (8 ¼) 95 ¼
D Lavelle TRB 82.03 (12) 94

by John Coghill



Posted in Weekly Roundup on Oct 30, 2016