Weekly Review 30/05/2020

Weekly Review 30/05/2020

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 30th May 2020.

After an absence of ten weeks with no practice or competition Bathurst Rifle Club returned to shooting on Saturday 23rd May from the 600 yard firing line. With the easing of restrictions Club Members only were able to compete using two targets to accommodate two separate groups of shooters with only one shooter down at any time on each target firing point. This slowed the proceedings somewhat but we were still able to get through the practice session in reasonable time with all safety procedures adhered to.

Most regular shooters were keen to get back into their sport but the weather changed somewhat after midday with plenty of cloud cover and a cold west to south westerly breeze. To add to the discomfort light squalls of rain occasionally passed to dampen things and add to the cold. Some shooters got back to where they had left off with little trouble while others had varied success and may have thought it would have been best to stay at home.

On Saturday 30th May we again set up with similar procedures in place at 700 yards for members only practice and fortunately enjoyed much better weather for the afternoon. The club will conduct another members only practice day next Saturday 6th June at 800 yards which would have been the final shoot for the Club Championship.

No scores will be recorded for these practice days and we then hope to start the 2021 Club Championship year and restart the Club Trophy events year from the following Saturday 13th June at 300 yards. Let’s hope the COVID-19 restrictions keep improving for us all.


Target Rifle:
G Bright 97.6
S Williams 96.10
D Lavelle 92.5
G Shepherd 92.3
R Gibson 90.3
J Coghill 82.3

F Class:
G S Willis 115.7
P Mahon 113.6
C Howell 112.6
B Wright 108.5
J Eppleston 108.5

                                                                                                                                                     Geoff Willis

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jun 02, 2020