Weekly Review 30/06/2018

Weekly Review 30/06/2018

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc. 30thJune 2018, C R Kelly Cup, 700yards

            Bathurst rifle range had its first blow for some weeks and it took its toll on all shooters with F class competitors seeming to suffer most. Graeme Bright used his experience and familiarity with the Bathurst Range to quell the F class challenge and head the handicap honours by a hefty margin of 3 %.

            The wind, a gusty westerly swung to the south west later in the day gusting from 5 to 10 windage points or 1 to 2 metres deviation. The gusts were not subtle, neither were they easy to read. Bright was the only shooter who held inside the inner four line for target rifle and inside the bull’s-eye line for F class. Bright’s 95 with 10 centres was testimony to his control. Gordon Shepherd still without his new barrel had a disastrous first stage with a magpie three followed by a string of 5 inner fours. His second stage was better shooting a 46.01

             The F class competitors were very closely grouped with Grahame Willis sealing his win with a superior 56.2 second stage for a total of 109.3. Geoff Willis who was coaching his grandson and swapping gear was a little distracted in his second stage crashing to a 52.3 whilst Colin Howell was unable to bridge the gap after a 52.2 first stage. Ben Wright had a pair of 54.1’s with a couple of inner fours ruining his first stage.

            Nick Webster could not back up his brilliant shoot of last week but he managed to improve 4 points over his first stage 48.1 whilst Willis’s grandson Hayden Hodges had an excellent first stage of 55.0 but fell for the three card trick of shooting the wrong target spoiling his debut. John Coghill has just about exhausted his foray into F class with a bipod fail and an out of control second stage

            Nick Cock, still shooting under the banner of the Bathurst Rifle Club Inc, after moving recently to the central coast, shot magnificently at the NRAA National Queens Prize competition in Brisbane last week. Showing the sort of form that has intimidated all on the Bathurst Rifle Range for the past two years Cock shot possibles at 4 of the 7 ranges in the lead up event, the Presidents Cup, placing 11th , and 7 possibles from 9 ranges including a perfect 50.10 at the first range of the Queens Prize, winning a 7th Queens badge in the very hot field. Just how hot is shown as Cocks 50.5 on day two at 800 yards could manage only 39th place at that range.

             Saturday the 7th July will be the second range of the C R Kelly Cup over 800 yards


G Bright TRA 95.10 (2 ¾) 97 ¾
B Wright FSB 108.2 (8 ¼) 96 ¾
G Shepherd TRA 89.01 (5 ¾) 94 ¾
N Webster FSB 100.1 (12) 93 ¼
G P Willis FSA (109.3) 94 ½
C Howell FSB 107.5 (6) 94 ¼
G S Willis FSA 108.7 (1) 90 ¾
J Coghill FSB 68.0 (12) 66 ½
H Hodges FSB 99.0

by John Coghill

All scores/plots can be found Here. 

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Jul 01, 2018