Weekly Review 30/10/2021

Weekly Review 30/10/2021

Bathurst Rifle Club Inc., 30th October 2021, W Cutler Cup 600 yards.

          Saturday saw the W Cutler Cup competition held over just the 600 yards range due mostly to the effect of Covid restrictions. It was great to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine but the extremely variable wind conditions put the good scores shooters may have liked out of reach as the breeze continually and unpredictably shifted direction from a stronger westerly to an easing southerly and at times just swinging from the east as it almost lost all strength.

          Target Rifle shooter Graeme Bright managed best in the difficult conditions although not scoring as highly as is normal with Gordon Shepherd following three points away. Ron Gibson finished next best just three more points down with Charlie Bennett finishing just two points away achieving a great result in the tricky conditions. Dennis Lavelle was next best another two points down with John Coghill having trouble to group his shots near the centre trailing the field.

          Jeff Eppleston shot consistently during the competition to lead the F Class shooters for the day with Nick Webster shooting well to be three points away next followed by Phil Mahon then Geoff Willis with one point separating each. Mal Wright tailed the field five points further down as the swinging breeze sent his shots high and wide.

          The W Cutler Cup was won by Ron Gibson (100) with runner up Phil Mahon (99.33). Several shooters also chose to shoot for the Treasurer’s Trophy later on Saturday afternoon with Nick Webster gaining maximum points towards the prize. Again notice of our next event will be posted or emailed as soon as we know.

by Geoff Willis

R Gibson 88.3 (12) 100,
P Mahon 106.2 (11) 99.33,
C Bennett 86.2 (12) 98,
N Webster 107.4 (8.75) 97.92,
J Eppleston 110.3 (4.5) 96.17,
G Bright 94.2 (2) 96,
D Lavelle 84.3 (11.2) 95.5,
G Shepherd 91.3 (4.25) 95.25,
M Wright 100 (7) 93.33,
G S Willis 105.1 (2.75) 90.25,
J Coghill 73.3 (12) 85.

All scores/plots can be found Here.

Posted in Weekly Roundup on Nov 01, 2021